>From: Cheryl Newbanks <cnewbank@mail.cybertrails.com>
>Subject: Marciante Saddle
>Hi All,
>Well I sure liked my Big Horn but Jihad dosen't. So my next thought is to
get an affordable custome made saddle. Marciante comes to mind since I can
just trailer Jihad up to his place and have him fit. The think I really
like about riding in my Big Horn Endurance is the cordura fenders. My knees
never get sore anymore. I fear that with leather fenders I will once again
have sore knees. So do any of you use a Marciante and what do you
like/dislike about it?
Cheryl Newbanks
~~^** Just In Time Ranch
~~}_ _~~ /\| Buckeye, AZ
( )__, ) ~ cnewbank@cybertrails.com
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Mine is going on two years old. I love it. I had a mare with uneven
shoulders, nothing worked. Had it built for her. She's now a race mare, so
had it re-fit for our other mare - bigger, even shouldered etc. It now works
fine for her too. I'm only 5'3" on tip toe, so got the "distance rider"
version for the narrow seat cut. I've done up to 50 - 60+ miles on it so far.
My husband got his last year. He got round cinch rings instead of the flat
that mine came with, so wants to get that changed. We much prefer the flat.
His horse is 15.2, and a huge mover. He moved even better with this saddle.
Neither horse has had any back problems whatsoever.
Sportack carries a wood "barrel racer" saddle pad that works great with the
saddle. Didn't care for the foam in Franks pad. Let me know how it goes -
Tell Frank after all the referral's I've given him I better get my next one
for FREE!
Connie Hoge
Arlington, WA