To the Olympics

Mon, 20 Jan 97 13:10:06 -0500

-- [ From: ROBERT J MORRIS * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


You wanted a discussion re: the AERC/Olympics!! It will take more than just
my comments but I will start the ball rolling.

We, My wife and I, Have been associated with the sport of endurance riding
for 20 years. We have, one or the other of us, competed in all types of
rides from low budget to rides where there was a money award. Competition
has been on the local, regional, national and international level. That
takes care of the bona fides.

The International Competition, and that includes the Olympics, is not within
the scope or possibilities of the common man. (that should start things off
well) Why do I say that? Look back over the competitors in such competitive
events associated with equines and you will find that the competitors have
come from within the upper income level families and have not had to really
support themselves.

To compete on the International/Olympic level you must devote a considerable
amount of time not only to the actual training and competition part but
there is the the political side of the sport, that if neglected will be your

Be aware, what you see in the news, be it the AERC News or the reporting in
the regular newspaper, that is only one part of the story. You may be the
best in any sport but, with out the proper connections and adequate
financial backing you cannot really compete. And I am speaking of that
necessary over and above what is furnished by the National Sport
Organizations. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.

With that for a start I will leave it up to someone else to continue. We
have yet to touch on the influence of International/Olympic competition on
the sport in general, good or bad. We have yet to touch on the human/equine
relationship in such competition and other related aspects.

What do we hear from the net????

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID