Sorry, I stand by what I wrote...if sounds harsh so be it. If I ride a 100
miles today and you ride 25 I am competing at a level that is superior.
doesn't mean that I am a superior individual or that you are less. My point
is this in case I was not clear - a 25 mile competition is not equivilent to
a 100 mile competition. For example - In Dressage a horse that competes at
4th level is superior to one that is competing at training level. That does
not mean that the rider of the training level horse is less of an equestrian
it only means they are not competing at the highest level of their sport.
Again, what is wrong with saying that!! Please stop trying to bring
everything down to the lowest common denominator!
Thank you for clarifying this from your viewpoint; the problem is the
generalization that LD riders "are the prblem" according to Teddy, and I have
heard that from other riders. Ina ddiiton, I stand by our opinion that
anyone who tells a rookie in this sport that LD rides are a "waste of time"
should refrain from expressing such idiocy.
I suppose I can infer that, being a work at home mom certainly relegates me
to being a better mom thatn the ones who are too busy to do so (not the out
there working ladies! OUCH!) My choice to be with my little ones rather than
put those extra miles on a horse pretty much makes that assumption then. I
LIKE that!