Oranges & Enteroliths
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 15:39:13 -0500 (EST)

Has anyone out there heard of cutting up whole oranges and feeding this on a
daily basis to horses to help combat enterolith formation.

A seemingly knowlegeable guy at the local feed store recomended this
"natural" supplement as opposed to apple cider vinegar. I know some horses
do like eating whole oranges. Is it the citric acid or what that affects the
formation of enteroliths?

I tried it twice with my guys. They didn't care much for the outer peel. I
scraped off and cut up as much of the white fleshy material underneath as
well as the juicy stuff inside and mixed this in with their daily treat/mash.
They ate it this sneaky way. It's sort of a hassle to do this, especially
if your horses are boarded off your home property. Too much to ask of the
"board master."

If you have heard of this, how much - how often - how do you do it?

Oh, and BTW, I've heard not to feed too many apples (1-2 a day OK) to the
horses because of colic reasons. Any merit to this?
