As usual, Tom, you are more interested in picking a fight with me than
in having an adult conversation. I never said any information presented
in this forum is invalid. Please read the above sentence from me again,
slowly and in good light. Anecdotal information is perfectly valid, as
anecdotal information. However, it cannot in my opinion be presented as
the Final Word until demonstrated by more than just one or two
uncontrolled case studies.
Myself, I'm not so convinced that big studies financed by big
> grants, with dozens of academics hovering around interpreting results have
> any more validity than collected experiences.
Somehow, I am not surprised. However, just for your information, I paid
for my own research project to the tune of about $5000 and carried out
all the work myself, with the unpaid help of Karen Clanin (well, I
bought her lunch) and the cooperation of the ride management of the
Western States Trail Foundation. No big financing from big grants, no
"dozens of academics hovering about". Just attention to detail and an
unwillingness to make broad statements until I had the statistics to
back it up. That's why it's called "methodology".
> For example, let me assign you
> the task of designing a training protocol that will deliver a Thoroughbred
> racehorse that can safely deliver a 1:37 mile on a decent racetrack--in, say
> 9 months. Several thousands did so in 1996,
How unfortunate for the 193,000 Thoroughbreds shipped to slaughter last
year that did not.
yet there is not a single paper
> or study describing the protocol. What you're saying is that this is
> impossible.
Kindly point out to me where I describe it as "impossible". I don't
need research studies for me to look up into the sky and conclude that
the sky is blue. However, before I spend money putting substances into
my horse that may or may not help, may or may not cause damage or
injury, and may or may not be cost-effective, I want more than just one
or two people telling me it is so. However, perhaps being so
emotionally bonded to my horses has just impaired my sense of adventure.
Susan Evans