Duncan Fletcher
DreamWeaver wrote:
> At 03:05 PM 1/6/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >Getting ready to start up my horses for this year and I was wondering
> >what some of you use for riding on snow & ice. I am looking forward to
> >many more months where the trails around here are icy and have deep snow
> I use easy boots. They work great. I use them on one horse who has shoes
> on, and on my other horse who has his shoes pulled for the winter. I have
> to ride approx. 1/4 mile on pavement to get to the the trail, and it is
> sometimes all ice. I am very careful thru there, and have been very lucky
> that neither of my horses has ever slipped with easy boots on. I have done
> a few tap dances on the ice with plain metal shoes - they are no better than
> having ice-skates on your horse!! If it is really slippery I take the
> precaution of getting off and leading them slowly thru the ice. Both horses
> seem to plow right thru the snow with their easy boots on, usually just on
> the front feet, but sometimes on all fours. It is a lot of fun to ride in
> the snow!
> Always stay on trail that you know, especially if there is a lot of snow out
> there. It is also smart to stick to a steady pace, no sudden starts or
> stops. I still always use vetwrap on their heels (just wrap the entire foot
> with it), and that seems to help keep the boots on.
> Happy Trails,
> Karen
> in Gardnerville
> where there is no snow but lots and lots of water (and mud)...
> & Dream Weaver
> & Rocky
> http://www.greatbasin.net/~sportssaddle