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Dan G. Jackson (jackson@feist.com)
Mon, 20 Jan 1997 17:44:26 -0600
Bobbie Lieberman wrote:
I need your input.
At a local tack shop this weekend I found a Big Horn endurance saddle,
15 1/2 inches, barely used. I brought it home on a three-day trial. It
seemed to fit my mare well, and I liked riding in it: close contact,
good leg position, etc. Fine Print seemed quite comfortable in it and
moved out in a long relaxed frame. Everything was great -- until I
stuck my hand under the tree along the back of the saddle on each
side, and noted a slight difference in pressure. Pressure was evenly
distributed on the right side, but I was aware of a ridge on the left.
We began to examine the saddle more closely to see if there was any
visible asymmetry in the tree -- it was hard to tell with all of the
fleece. Nothing definitive.
Okay gang, please give me the scoop on these saddles: are they
generally reliable? How are they regarded? How do they compare to the
Sharon Saare? Thanks for your help!
Have no experience with the Big Horn Saddles but have ridden a Sharon Saare
for 2 years.
I don't see how the Big Horn COULD compare with the Sharon Saare since the
Big Horn is a
"one size fits all" tree and Sharon's trees are custom fit to the horse. I
have owned Ortho Flex and prefer the Sharon Saare. Her customer service
can't be beat.
Becki Jackson & Chance
Wichtia, KS