Sorted by Thread
[RC] Thanks for Skito info: Chuck and Birgit
[RC] Re. B.C.A.A. Complex: Rob
[RC] Sore Backs: kathy . mayeda
Re: [RC] [RC] Skito Pads: AxMan2
[RC] back problems: ash m
[RC] Off-topic--viruses: Claudia Provin
[RC] BCAA: Joan Dowis
[RC] Fw: West Nile Vaccine: Don Pollock
[RC] re: [Ridecamp] riding to music: Brenda L. Kossowan
[RC] US squad: Sandy Terp
[RC] The WEG Squad: Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] Skito Pads: Chuck and Birgit
[RC] LD MY final ideas or cut- delete: Roger Rittenhouse
Re: [RC] arabs vs. school horses: Laurie Durgin
[RC] tommy's back: goearth
[RC] Heather and Red go to Spain: Merryben
[RC] USET Announces Squad For The 2002 World Equestrian Games Endurance Squad: Steph Teeter
[RC] FW: Lori and Rick Stewart change of Email Address: Lori & Rick Stewart
[RC] tip of the day for newbies: Sarah McIntosh
Re: [RC] riding w/music: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Riding with Music: Sundaez
[RC] Swanton 75: Shayne Smith
[RC] Keeping Reins Together: T'Lara Joy Freedom
[RC] Flex Ride Stirrups?: Jerry & Susan Milam
[RC] Breeds: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Make your own caged stirrups. . .: Laurie Durgin
[RC] B.C.A.A. Complex: Rides 2 Far
[RC] Interesting article: Kristene Smuts
[RC] Fw: Camping near Yosemite?: Joan Ruprecht
[RC] Breed/lease contract: Lonnie Ruesch
[RC] leg up: Paddi
[RC] stirrup cage big feet: Paddi
[RC] Old Mac's horse boots: Maria Berger
RE: [RC] [RC] Ponying: Deanna German
[RC] Weight on young endurance horses: Joane Pappas White
[RC] 2002 AERC National Championshp Qualifications: Enduroride
[RC] CMT Video: Jim Holland
[RC] re: ponying: Michelle Fink
[RC] Help me feed my horse: Levon Yengoyan
[RC] Fwd: [D-L] Hardship Case - Low Cost Horses available: Carizima
[RC] The Fire This Time - From the Wall Street Journal: Hickory Ridge Arabians
[RC] Heat-releated respiratory issues: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] trailer kicking, and ques. about heat-related respir. probs: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] arabs: Karla Watson
[RC] beet pulp: Dot Wiggins
[RC] Virus alert: Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Horse won't eat beet pulp.: KathyZ1
Re: [RC] [RC] A helping leg up into the saddle: Tamara Woodcock
[RC] Cages on Stirrups: T'Lara Joy Freedom
[RC] horse kicking in trailer: terre
[RC] Saddle Qs- BIG thank you: Megan Capon
[RC] A helping leg up into the saddle: TypeF
[RC] Horse won't eat beet pulp: Sundaez
[RC] Sports saddles and Wintecs: Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Rep. Hansen's bill would provide recreational opportunities for motorized vehicle use: Hickory Ridge Arabians
[RC] Best Sound Magnifying Stethescope?: Linda B. Merims
[RC] gaited horses: Lysane Cree
[RC] Kettle Classic: Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] candy corn addicted horse: EgyptianMirage
Re: [RC] Bylaws say an LD is...final input & response: EgyptianMirage
[RC] Nurse goat idea: Megan Capon
Fwd: [RC] [RC] Breed bashing-referral for ya!: EgyptianMirage
Re: [RC] Farrier - was Breed Bashing: FASTGraphic
[RC] Advice--Horse Kicking in Trailer: CDeWitt
[RC] Grass Founder?? Hysterectomy??: Larry McMaster
[RC] [RC] Heart Rate Monitors & GPS: Sunset Farm(Lynn, Morgan, Gabrielle, and Trent)
[RC] An Idea for a "Nurse Mare" for Orphaned Twins: Suvut
[RC] Wintec vs treeless: Megan Capon
[RC] Tevis Entries: Joan Dowis
Re: [RC] [RC] Breed bashing: AxMan2
[RC] Ridecamp reminder: Steph Teeter
[RC] Zayante for AERC Hall of Fame email campaign: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Chocolate icing: Rides 2 Far
[RC] An Open Letter From Laura Toston.: KathyZ1
[RC] Hallelujah RIde date correction: Lucie Hancock
[RC] Zes Saddle Info: Karen Standefer
[RC] IntNewsGroup: USA Selection: Lori & Rick Stewart
[RC] Ortho-Flex Spring Loaded Stirrups: Marci Cunningham
[RC] An Open Letter From Laura Toston: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] The Egan Canyon Incident: Karen
[RC] Traveling into Calif.: amber applegate
[RC] Mash recipe: Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Survey on best footwear for endurance: Tara Wheeler
[RC] Truck-camper-hitch, how the heck do you get spare down?: Sullivan
[RC] Idaho Spuds: Tom Noll
[RC] Ponying: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] old dogs and new tricks!: Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] [RC] Finding the right horse: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] footware: Kathy & Mike Kelly
[RC] ride distances: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] (no subject): Adelia85
[RC] Heart Rate Monitors & GPS: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Please unsubscribe me: Melissa Jones
[RC] LD and Awards: Jeanne Slominski
[RC] LD and Awards: Jeanne Slominski
[RC] Aprilfest in June ride story gone bad: Laura Hayes
[RC] Oakland Hills 25 results: Gary Fend
[RC] Oakland Hills 60 mile results (Corrected): Gary Fend
[RC] Oakland Hills 50 and IAHA region 3 championship results: Gary Fend
[RC] pigeon fever: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Oakland Hills 60 mile results: Gary Fend
[RC] Angie McGee: Drin Becker
[RC] Dryland Distemper: Debbyly
[RC] Hot topics: Rides 2 Far
[RC] Finding the right horse: kit kat
[RC] HiTie Horse Tie System: Steph Teeter
[RC] Survey on best footwear for endurance: TypeF
[RC] KER electrolytes: Don Pollock
[RC] Ride in Orick, CA.: amber applegate
[RC] yogurt vs. apple sauce: Amy Cieri
Re: [RC] LD - the thread that will not die: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Breed bashing: Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] LD rides (the thread that will not die) long opinionated response!: EgyptianMirage
[RC] Side pulls/ head gear. (for the horse): Allegra
[RC] Please Unsubscribe: Trish Grant
[RC] 4 yoas in distance riding/hard working arabs: Cheryl & Randy Winter
[RC] The map-- was--WNV Vaccine etcetc: KathyZ1
[RC] Standardbreds: Carolyn Burgess
[RC] Great Web Site: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Standardbreds (was large horse): FASTGraphic
[RC] Night ride.......: FASTGraphic
[RC] LD rides (the thread that will not die): Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Hopkins Creek: FancyNite
[RC] Small horses/people, aging equines/people: Lonnie Ruesch
[RC] Horse boarding in Santa Barbara, CA?: Jennifer Thompson
[RC] WNV Vaccine--was--Pigeon Disease!: KathyZ1
[RC] being an "endurance rider": Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] Wintec Endurance & TR Horses: Trailrite
[RC] Podium Saddles: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Changes for the Hallelujah Ride: Lucie Hancock
[RC] Wintec Endurance questions: Megan Capon
[RC] Joint supplements: Budler,Cindy - Afrox
[RC] Roman Cavalry: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Pigeon's Disease??: SandyDSA
[RC] Midsummer Madness ride: Sundaez
[RC] Country Aire Farm off to Maine: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Cool Bandana Things: April Johnson
[RC] Aprilfest in June (ride story): Laura Hayes
[RC] cold-pressed oil Susan G?: Teresa Van Hove
[RC] ROC UPDATE: Randy H Eiland
[RC] The Aging Equine Athlete: Laura Hayes
[RC] If It's Sunday This Must Be Rome ...: toriandsteve
[RC] Low Class Sales Ad: Roger Rittenhouse
[RC] ***Nurse Mare needed for orphaned foals, Walnut Creek, Ca***: Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] LD again/Vet Checks Length: DVeritas
[RC] 100's aren't for everyone....: Todd Marshall
[RC] LD: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] LD again: Heather Saunders
[RC] Liability: Ridecamp Guest
[RC] 4 yoas in distance riding: Kristi Schaaf
[RC] protein - Susan G?: Kathy & Mike Kelly
Re: [RC] water bottle filters/and keeping cool in the sun: Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] white hairs -- YIKES!!!: MtnRondi
[RC] A Good Trail Horse...: Linda B. Merims
Re: [RC] LD, tough trails, etc.: Kristene Smuts
[RC] Liquid ivermectin wormer: Tamara Woodcock
[RC] FERA Moonlight Madness Ride Results: Teri Hunter
Re: [RC] Mustangs and endurance: Laney Humphrey
[RC] chronic laminitis: Laney Humphrey
RE: [RC] ride cam posting: Alison Farrin
[RC] water bottle filters: heidi sowards
Re: [RC] cooling: April Johnson
[RC] E-Bay Saddle: Merryben
[RC] Newbie Horse Questions!: heidi sowards
[RC] Large horse-low heart-rate ??: Jennifer Billings
[RC] Mare for sale. Cannot reach seller: Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Rice Bran questions again? (Long response--feeds class is in sessi...: Merryben
[RC] Ridecamp - a suggestion: Steph Teeter
[RC] Oh, my legs are raw, any suggestions: Laurie Durgin
[RC] : Conditoning .. all hills: Rides 2 Far
[RC] Tucker Endurance Saddles: Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Fw: Conditoning .. all hills: Laurie Durgin
[RC] western sport saddle: Maggie & David
[RC] Kathy Smith/Gloryfarm/Canyon?: Karen Bratcher
[RC] Mystery lameness???: Vallonelee
[RC] Oakland Hills: Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Micronutrients and bahavior: Lisa Redmond
Re: [RC] Leaving early: FASTGraphic
[RC] Bonkers Horse: Annie George
Re: [RC] practical suggestions re leaving early: FASTGraphic
Re: [RC] Mustang/Arab Crosses: Sullivan
Re: [RC] New eyes watching: FASTGraphic
[RC] Mustang/Arabian crosses: Ric & Gretchen
[RC] Part 2--rice bran response: Lisa Redmond
Re: [RC] The Aging Equine Athlete!: FASTGraphic
[RC] Rice Bran questions again?: JUDYK89
Re: [RC] virus: Truman Prevatt
[RC] Stifle Problems: Rides 2 Far
[RC] Mustng for sale: Steve Shaw
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