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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:53 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] LD MY final ideas or cut- delete - Merryben

    In a message dated 6/28/2002 8:08:06 PM Central Daylight Time, roger@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    1. Drop ALL national level LD award programs  Placing ,BC, high mile
    2. Keep Lifetime mileage in the LD miles program
    3. Award REGIONAL placing and Regional BC and high mileages for those Region that want to
    support the concept. As we do in the SE.

    4. DO NOT force all regions to comply with the LD program. Let the
    riders decide in each region how they want LD to be implemented and rewarded.

    5. List the LD ride in EN JUST as is now done. Placing for the
    regions offer placing and ride list for others. Just report it as it
    is being done by region. Keep regional statics only (placing BC mileage


    I agree, especially with number 1.  I would like to not see 4 year olds racing but there is no evidence that they have been hurt by it......mb