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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:59 GMT 2003
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    [RC] : Conditoning .. all hills - Rides 2 Far

    > Getting to the point of suddenly wondering how to do sustained trot >
    for miles on my hill conutry?The trails I ride on are mostly hills. > 30%
    to 60%. 
    I have the same problem.  Doesn't seem to affect the horse at all, but I
    do have one place I haul just so *I* can do some posting.  One thing that
    helped me realize that I didn't have to keep giving my horse a "walking
    break" was an article I read once.  
    I kept imagining that to my horse trotting was like me jogging, and he'd
    need to stop and walk.  In fact, horse's legs are more spring loaded due
    to the give in the pastern. It's more comparable to jogging on a
    trampoline.  My horse never seemed to appreciate the walk breaks, (unless
    it was really late in the ride) so I quit inforcing them unless he seemed
    P.S. If your muscles give you problems on a long flat ride, change your
    stirrup length during the ride and it will change the muscle groups
    you're using.
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