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    Re: [RC] LD MY final ideas or cut- delete - Heidi Smith

    Who is an "LD rider"?  Many people are members and don't ride at all.  I have 5400 AERC miles and didn't ride for 2 years, and have started back this year by riding 2 LD's.  Does that make me a different species in the eyes of AERC?  I don't think so.  If I were to ride LD's for the rest of my life, as an AERC member, I would still receive EN, be able to vote for directors, and all the other privileges of membership.  What I earn for awards is not a membership privilege--it is a reflection of how and how much I choose to compete--in other words, awards are EARNED by members, they are not a privilege of membership.  Should we have a separate membership category for people who choose to ride stallions and compete for Jim Jones?  For 100-milers, since they have some separate awards?  For people who only ride a couple of 50's a year, because they don't compete for anything, except that their mileage slowly acrues??  (Hey, that sounds about like what the LD riders can do under Roger's proposal, never mind that he's also proposed regional awards as well.)  Or what about folks who sometimes ride LD's and sometimes go farther?  Would a new membership category for this new species called an "LD rider" mess them up? 
    Bottom line--members are members, and how they choose to compete is their own business.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 6:29 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] LD MY final ideas or cut- delete

    Is the board going to establish a lower dues for the LD riders?


    Merryben@xxxxxxx wrote:
    In a message dated 6/28/2002 8:08:06 PM Central Daylight Time, roger@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    1. Drop ALL national level LD award programs  Placing ,BC, high mile
    2. Keep Lifetime mileage in the LD miles program
    3. Award REGIONAL placing and Regional BC and high mileages for those Region that want to
    support the concept. As we do in the SE.

    4. DO NOT force all regions to comply with the LD program. Let the
    riders decide in each region how they want LD to be implemented and rewarded.

    5. List the LD ride in EN JUST as is now done. Placing for the
    regions offer placing and ride list for others. Just report it as it
    is being done by region. Keep regional statics only (placing BC mileage


    I agree, especially with number 1.  I would like to not see 4 year olds racing but there is no evidence that they have been hurt by it......mb

    Re: [RC] LD MY final ideas or cut- delete, Merryben
    Re: [RC] LD MY final ideas or cut- delete, Truman Prevatt