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    Re: [RC] Part 2--rice bran response - Lisa Redmond

    I know that phosphorus is an issue with phytate in corn and other cereal grain, which is why I brought it up here as a question in my mind--one of those little annoying "what if's" that occur to me from time to time!  LOL
    When I get a chance I'll take a look at KER's  site--they're great about publishing stuff and if they thought there might be phytate-phosphorus issue I bet they looked at it.   The zinc-phytate issue with rice bran is pretty heavily documented in swine nutrition and poultry nutrition.  I just tend to be something of a worrywart about feeds at times, more so now that I've been on the industry side of the formulation coin.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:32 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Part 2--rice bran response

    KER fortifies their rice brand product with Ca. I would suspect that they researched this issue before they did this since they seem to be pretty attentive to details in their work. Might want to check with them about the bioavaibility of P from rice brand.


    Lisa Redmond wrote:
    The fact that phytate can bind phosphorus, too (it can bind up to 6 phosphate groups), makes me rather concerned about the fact they turned around and added calcium.  That suggests to me that either a) the person formulating this supplement didn't know about the phytate content of rice bran, or b) they DID know and saw it as an opportunity to piggyback the sale of their mineral.  Ah, the joys of having been inside the corporate feed world....sigh.
    Someone on the list (may have been you, Judy) told me recently that Susan and I scared y'all at times--this may be one of those posts.  Trust me, that's not our goal.  What we want to do is help you make more informed decisions.  I have worked in the feed industry, for both good and bad companies--I know that not all the folks out there formulating horse supplements at these companies are truly knowledgeable about horse nutrition.  In some cases, they also don't know as much about basic ration formulation as they think they do, either!   This is not a good combination, IMO.  I'm not as knowledgeable about the nitty-gritty of horse nutrition as I'd like to be because a lot has been discovered since I graduated...I learn a tremendous amount from reading Susan's posts.  What I try to do is pass along what I know about feed characteristics and basic nutrition concepts, and apply it where I can. 
    That ends today's lecture on rice bran and marketing ploys in Feeds and Feeding 101.  Stay tuned for Susan's upper level discourse on rice bran for horses!  =)

    [RC] Part 2--rice bran response, Lisa Redmond
    Re: [RC] Part 2--rice bran response, Truman Prevatt