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    [RC] horse kicking in trailer - terre


    <I have a mare that when in the trailer rocks from side to side and then =
    throws a hissy fit and kicks the trailer. I should mention that this is =
    not fear. She loads right in and when she's with a buddy, doesn't do =
    this. She is mad. She is kicking the heck out of my trailer and just =
    recently kicked right through the inner wall of my friend's =
    trailer...any suggestions???? Someone suggested using kick chains for a =

    I've never tried this, because I've never had the problem, but I have HEARD that if you tie the tail up over the back they can't/won't kick. Anybody else ever hear of this?
    One thing I HAVE done a few time to other people's horses: take the horse for a trailer ride (alone!) on isolated back roads. Sail along at a reasonable but not too fast pace. As soon as the kicking starts slam on the brakes HARD. You want to give her an unpleasant "bump", but you must be careful to not overdo it to the point of making her fall (or skidding into a ditch!). She needs 'motivation to keep her feet where they belong'. This has actually worked for me, with horses that kick out of bad temper and not fear or 'instability'.


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