Sounds EXACTLY what happened to a mare of (minus
the cough). Short morning ride, everything fine, that afternoon three
legged lame on right hind....went route of x rays, nothing showed. Turned
out several days later to be strong abcessed and ruptured out the
sidewall by the coronary band back by the heel, but she never did show
tenderness to hoof testers, hope yours turns out as lucky
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 11:23
Subject: [RC] Mystery lameness???
Hi all:
I have a horse with a
lameness that I cannot figure out just yet.
The horse was not
being ridden although he is very fit. The had a little cough and was
taking time off to get over it. The horse is kept in 2.5 acres of
bermuda pasture and had been up in his pen during the heat of the Arizona day
to relax in the shade. When he was turned out that evening he was sound
as could be and trotted off and even bucked a few times. The next
morning he was three legged lame and could barely walk back to his pen.
I called the vet who was on an emergency and would not be able to come out
until the evening. He told me to give him some bute which I did.
There was no heat or swelling in the leg. No tenderness to palpation of
the leg. No sign of injury, missing hair, etc. (pasture is all
electrice fencing). No sign of puncture wound, foot was scrubbed
intensively by the vet. There appeared to be tenderness in the heel
area. The vet could not find anything specific either and advised 3-4
days of bute and rest. Two weeks later my farrier came out and
found a pretty severe bruise in the heel area but he did not react to hoof
testers at that time.
The horse is still slightly off and I am
going to call the vet on Monday to pursue x-rays or ???
Just wanted to
know if anyone had any input or suggestions.