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    Re: [RC] Rice Bran questions again? - Sullivan

    I believe it does have rice bran....it  is a very pricey feed, between $25-$28 for a FOURTY lb. bag!  They were running a deal of two bags for one, at which point I got some, and our picky mare sort of ate it.  It is very high fat, and if you like, I can give you percentages and ingredients off the bag....
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 6:07 AM
    Subject: [RC] Rice Bran questions again?

    Thanks Susan,

    and a couple pounds (as in 2-3, not 8 or
    10) of a stabilized calcium-balanced rice bran (I like the Nutrena Empower
    Truman mentioned)

    Okay, I thought the Nutrena Empower was a feed with the Rice Bran in it?  Then should I feed the Strategy?  I don't feed much at this time because she needs a good bit of training, and it could make her hot.  Was looking for an alternative to it.  I'll look at the Nutrena again.

    Why brewers yeast?

    I heard it was a good idea for nervous type horses, my other mare is and it seems to help.  Was told this mare can be "marish" thought I'd start adding the yeast to see if it helps.

    Thanks, Judy

    [RC] Rice Bran questions again?, JUDYK89