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Sun Sep 07 15:08:35 GMT 2008
[RC] New Orleans
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] hurricane refugees
[RC] BoD voting
Michael Maul
[RC] [RC] Late Arrive of Endurance News - Carolyn Burgess
[RC] Places to live
Lynette Helgeson
RE: [RC] Places to live
Re: [RC] Places to live
[RC] generator, double duty
April Allison
[RC] Katrina help in MS
April Allison
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] New Orleans - OT
Michael Maul
[RC] Bod issues- Angie
Laura Hayes
[RC] watts/volts=amperes
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] Hurricane Fallout
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] Hurricane Fallout
Linda Cowles
RE: [RC] Hurricane Fallout
Jim Holland
[RC] hurricane info
Evelyn Allen/Patrick Allen
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Hurricane Fallout
[RC] self reliance
Sky Ranch
[RC] Armadillo website
[RC] Some info re the Board
Laura Hayes
[RC] Armadillo ride ?
[RC] Generators
RE: [RC] Generators
Jerry & Susan Milam
[RC] I survived Camille in 1969
Re: [RC] I survived Camille in 1969
Chris Paus
[RC] Fw: Help for horses in Mississippi & Louisiana
Mike & Kathy Kelly
[RC] Clippers
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Clippers
Lynette Helgeson
[RC] News on the relief efforts for the animals
Dyane Smith
[RC] armpit bumps
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.2959 The Pencil Test
[RC] blazing saddles endurance ride
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Transport
[RC] Allegany SUAR, NY
Bonnie Snodgrass
[RC] Long rides and pee
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] Long rides and pee
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] Fw: Army Engineer Chief to Discuss Katrina Repairs
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] Another OF Express Lite question
Cynthia Eyler
Re: [RC] the cost to riders & fuel avalabilty
[RC] Bryce video
[RC] Global warming a reality - not partisan politics!
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] naming the foal
Chris Paus
[RC] response to Diane re BoD
Laura Hayes
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] response to Diane re BoD
RE: [RC] response to Diane re BoD
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] response to Diane re BoD
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] response to Diane re BoD
Diane Trefethen
[RC] Patriot's Day Ride
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Saddle type on EN cover?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Saddle type on EN cover?
Carolyn Burgess
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Saddle type on EN cover?
[RC] Late Arrive of Endurance News
Carolyn Burgess
[RC] Charmac trailer
dolly decair
[RC] Medicating Dog -- What Worked -- OT
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] trailer space from Owyhee to N. California
Mark White
[RC] ride to work
April Allison
[RC] Where is Normal?
Tom Sites
Re: [RC] Where is Normal?
Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] Where is Normal?
Joe Long
[RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
Laura Hayes
Re: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
John Teeter
RE: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
RE: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
John Teeter
Re: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
Diane Trefethen
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
Re: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
John Teeter
Re: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
John Teeter
RE: [RC] Cost to riders/AERC fees/the BoD
[RC] Jokes on Ridecamp
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Georgia
Kathy Ramspott
[RC] re: Something to think about
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
Re: [RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
Cynthia Eyler
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
RE: [RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
RE: [RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
John Teeter
RE: [RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
RE: [RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
John Teeter
[RC] The cost to riders/AERC fee hikes
[RC] Something to think about
Julie Fuller
Re: [RC] Something to think about
Sue Singletary
Re: [RC] Something to think about
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] Another Cowboy story
Bruce Weary
Re: [RC] Another Cowboy story
Chris Paus
[RC] SE riders after the storm
[RC] incompetence
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Once Upon a Cowboy (OT-Joke)
[RC] Cost to Riders
Re: [RC] Cost to Riders
Jon . Linderman
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] cost to riders
[RC] Nick Warhol- Press Release- Zayante to retire!
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] re:[RC] The cost to riders
Re: [RC] re:[RC] The cost to riders
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] re:[RC] The cost to riders
Chris Paus
[RC] Endurance Stirrups
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] The cost of rides
Mary Maynard
Re: [RC] The cost of rides
Jon Bendtsen
[RC] FW: Ham Assistance in Aftermath of Katrina
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] FW: Ham Assistance in Aftermath of Katrina
Kathy Ramspott
Re: [RC] FW: Ham Assistance in Aftermath of Katrina
Chris Paus
RE: [RC] FW: Ham Assistance in Aftermath of Katrina
Jim Holland
[RC] spooky horse
Nancy Cox
[RC] The cost to riders
Re: [RC] The cost to riders
Chris Paus
[RC] The cost to riders
Carolyn Burgess
RE: [RC] [RC] The cost to riders
Nancy Mitts
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] The cost to riders
Re: [RC] The cost to riders
Kristen A Fisher
[RC] The cost to riders
Tracey Smith
Re: [RC] The cost to riders
Re: [RC] The cost to riders
Carol Suggs
[RC] The Cost to Riders
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] The cost to riders
Re: [RC] The cost to riders
Re: [RC] The Cost to Riders
Fw: Re: Re: [RC] The Cost to Riders
Jo Ann Knight
[RC] the cost to riders
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] the cost to riders
[RC] the hurricane - VERY OT
[RC] Girth length/in-flap rigging
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT- Heidi
Tracey Smith
[RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT-
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] Arabian chestnut becoming a pinto
Bette Lamore
[RC] Interval Training
k s swigart
[RC] News from Louisiana - third world
Von Simson, Cristiano
[RC] How to HELP Horses/Mississipi
beth glover
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] How to HELP Horses/Mississipi
Spencer, Maryann LTC
RE: [RC] How to HELP Horses/Mississipi
beth glover
[RC] Girth Discussion
Carolyn Burgess
RE: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Nell Lindquist
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Karen Sullivan
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
RE: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Nell Lindquist
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Teri Hunter
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Gary Fend
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Joe Long
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Kristen A Fisher
RE: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Jerry & Susan Milam
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Chris Paus
[RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
[RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana - VERY OT
[RC] help needed to identify a saddle
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] help needed to identify a saddle
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] [RC] help needed to identify a saddle
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] News from Louisiana
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
Re: [RC] News from Louisiana
Maryanne Gabbani
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] News from Louisiana
Re: [RC] [RC] Interval Training Abstract - Tivers
Re: [RC] [RC] Interval Training Abstract - Tivers
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] Interval Training Abstract - Tivers
Jo Ann Knight
[RC] Hurricane evacuation locations list
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] Hurricane evacuation locations list
Chris Paus
[RC] Endurance Guides are shipping out tomorrow
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
dolly decair
[RC] May want to check tis out ??
[RC] Ergogenics summary
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Interval Training Abstract
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Interval Training Abstract
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Interval Training Abstract
[RC] Clarification
Bruce Weary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Clarification
[RC] Louisiana State U - Staging Area for Animal RESCUE
[RC] Animal Rescue Update - LA
[RC] providing help to Katrina victims
Trisha Reid
[RC] was magnesium now PC
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] was magnesium now PC
Re: [RC] was magnesium now PC
Dabney Finch
[RC] Noahs Wish-Katrina help
martina keil
[RC] Shelter for horses from the hurricane
Michael Maul
[RC] Season Finale - OK Ride Nov 25-26
Kristen A Fisher
[RC] Crew Needed for Virginia City 100
Dabney Finch
[RC] Cora- bra thing-read this
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Cindy Crook
[RC] Owyhee High Country
Steph Teeter
[RC] Katrina animal refugee database
[RC] Horse space for Katrina victums
[RC] Fwd: [CAT] Fwd: Help Hurricane Equine Refugees: Shelter and Vet ServicesNeeded
[RC] more magnesium
Dot Wiggins
[RC] Training Problems
k s swigart
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Training Problems
[RC] The Bra Thing
Re: [RC] The Bra Thing
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] The Bra Thing
[RC] place to go
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Bras and gaited horses!
[RC] Magnesium
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] magnesium
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Magnesium
[RC] Beer to horses
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Mt Vernon Ride, Washington state.
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Horses in Need
[RC] The Bra Thing
Bruce Weary DC
Re: [RC] The Bra Thing
[RC] Giving beer to horses?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Cayenne (Haggin Cup) needs a ride to Utah
Beverly Gray
[RC] another use for those old bras....
Tracey Smith
[RC] Fw: emergency disaster help website
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] Fw: emergency disaster help website
Dyane Smith
[RC] AERC Online points have changed
Michael Maul
[RC] help with new horse
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] help with new horse
Patti Kuvik
Re: [RC] help with new horse
Sky Ranch
[RC] Hurricane Relief
Heidi Vanderbilt
[RC] Magnesium for spooky horse?
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse?
Sky Ranch
[RC] Katrina in Georgia
L gin
[RC] I give you ....The "Trotting Bra " !!!!!!!!!
Diana Peterson
Re: [RC] I give you ....The "Trotting Bra " !!!!!!!!!
Jerri Larsen
[RC] Bras and gaited horses!
Mel Cochran
[RC] Girth length-Disagree strongly
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Girth length-Disagree strongly
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Girth length-Disagree strongly
Steph E Caldwell
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] girth length-disagree strongly
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Hurricane Relief for Horses
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Anyone going to Colorado
[RC] white line info
[RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Suzi Maiorisi
RE: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Stacy Sadar
Re: [RC] [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
RE: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Eric Drew
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
RE: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Sky Ranch
RE: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
RE: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Jo Ann Knight
[RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Carolyn Burgess
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Linda Nichols
Re: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
Jo Ann Knight
RE: [RC] Revenge of the Bras!
[RC] How horrible!
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Snakes
Peggy B-Smith
[RC] anectodotes/testimonials
Erica DeVoti
Re: [RC] anectodotes/testimonials
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] anectodotes/testimonials
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] anectodotes/testimonials
Dabney Finch
Re: [RC] anectodotes/testimonials
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] anectodotes/testimonials
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Hard Roads / Alydar
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
RE: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Jim Holland
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
k s swigart
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Karen Sullivan
RE: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Kristen A Fisher
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Alison Farrin
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Laney Humphrey
RE: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Re: [RC] Magnesium supplementing...etc.
Pam DeMerchant
[RC] Any Ridecampers homeless from Katrina?
Joe Long
Re: [RC] Any Ridecampers homeless from Katrina?
Jody Rogers-Buttram
RE: [RC] Any Ridecampers homeless from Katrina?
Dolores Arste
RE: [RC] Any Ridecampers homeless from Katrina?
Stacy Sadar
Re: [RC] Any Ridecampers homeless from Katrina?
[RC] Katrina and Atlanta
L gin
[RC] Magnesium for spooky horse?
Chris Martin
[RC] [Fwd: Diet and Behavior]
Bruce Weary
[RC] US: Arabian Nights Results
John Teeter
[RC] OT: Katrina Equine Relief
Lynne Glazer
[RC] Fw: Help Hurricane Equine Refugees: Shelter and Vet Services Needed
Kristen A Fisher
[RC] Gray Arab losing pigment
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Help name this colt
Bruce Weary
Re: [RC] Help name this colt
Diane Trefethen
[RC] re: rules for girth length
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] girth length
Re: [RC] girth length
Lynne Glazer
[RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jennifer Fleet
Re: [RC] [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Diane Trefethen
RE: [RC] [RC] Agreement for spooky horse behavior
Ranelle Rubin
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jennifer Fleet
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Rosalie Marley
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Bette Lamore
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jennifer Fleet
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jim Holland
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
heidi larson
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jo Ann Knight
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Pam DeMerchant
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Nancy Sturm
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Pam DeMerchant
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jennifer Fleet
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Jim Holland
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Pam DeMerchant
Re: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
[RC] Spooky horses - Eye Test?
Karen Ellis
Re: [RC] Spooky horses - Eye Test?
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Magnesium for spooky horse? Heidi or Dr. Garlinghouse?
Pam DeMerchant
[RC] help name this colt!
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Maryanne Gabbani
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Dave Heaslett
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] help name this colt!
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] help name this colt!
Chris Paus
[RC] headwaters lost and found
Adam and Jannelle
[RC] Wildlife and other stuff
Cindy Marbut
[RC] Electric shock collars for horses (vice breaker)
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] My condolances
Mary Maynard
[RC] Headwaters - lost & found
Nancy Sturm
[RC] cougars attacking horseback riders
Dawn Simas
[RC] Elec collars
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Elec collars
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Iron supplement
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Iron supplement
Patti Kuvik
[RC] Dogs,horses,and snakes/elec collar?
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Dogs,horses,and snakes/elec collar?
Rosalie Marley
Re: [RC] Dogs,horses,and snakes/elec collar?
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Truman Prevatt
RE: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
David LeBlanc
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Jo Ann Knight
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Barbara McCrary
[RC] snakes and horses
Tracey Smith
[RC] OT - You Can Help!
[RC] Gorgeous George
Ed Kilpatrick
RE: [RC] [RC] Gorgeous George
melinda harrelson
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
Dyane Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Gorgeous George
[RC] Gorgeous George
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] Gorgeous George
Tracey Smith
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
[RC] Gorgeous George
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Gorgeous George
Lani M Olson
[RC] We lost New Orlenes
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] [RC] We lost New Orlenes
Amber B Fort
[RC] We lost New Orlenes
Mary Ann Spencer
Re: [RC] We lost New Orlenes
Sisu West Ranch
RE: [RC] We lost New Orlenes
Re: [RC] We lost New Orlenes
Suzi Maiorisi
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] We lost New Orlenes
Mary Ann Spencer
[RC] Gray Arabian loosing pigment
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Gray Arabian loosing pigment
[RC] Testing Hay - 4 Nitrates
Melody Wong
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Testing Hay - 4 Nitrates
Patti Kuvik
[RC] ? won't believe it
[RC] ?? Scratches
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] ?? Scratches
Krista Berner
[RC] ?? Scratches
[RC] combination auto-waterer and branding iron
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT ?
[RC] Finding a farrier in North Carolina
kay sipe
[RC] Mountain Lions in No. Calif.
Ann Blankenship
[RC] Entering FL with Horses/Evacuations
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.2935
[RC] anyone from San Jose going to Grand Canyon?
Marlene Moss
[RC] Resuce for animals with Katrina?
Ashia Yother
[RC] Freeway Horse Travel
Re: [RC] Freeway Horse Travel
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Freeway Horse Travel
Laney Humphrey
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Freeway Horse Travel
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] We lost New Orleans
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] We lost New Orleans
Joe Long
Re: [RC] We lost New Orleans
Suzi Maiorisi
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] We lost New Orleans
[RC] We Lost New Orleans
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] We Lost New Orleans
Joe Long
Re: [RC] [RC] We Lost New Orleans
Soli Sorokin
Re: [RC] We lost New Orleans
Re: [RC] We lost New Orleans
[RC] bladder infection
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] How old do you have to be to compete in endurance riding?
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] How old do you have to be to compete in endurance riding?
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] How old do you have to be to compete in endurance riding?
Diane Trefethen
[RC] [RC] Dixie Midnight ,Equalizer Pad and Treeless Saddle - sandy rovane
dixie midnight
[RC] MS Ride the 23rd of Sept.
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] MS Ride the 23rd of Sept.
Christina Schiro
Re: [RC] MS Ride the 23rd of Sept.
Jody Rogers-Buttram
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] MS ride the 23rd of Sept.
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] corrector pad
marshall Bates
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] corrector pad
[RC] Dixie Midnight ,Equalizer Pad and Treeless Saddle
sandy rovane
RE: [RC] [RC] Dixie Midnight ,Equalizer Pad and Treeless Saddle
Diana Peterson
[RC] Cougars and riding w/gun
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] RAT pulse
Steve Shaw
[RC] snakes & horses...
Kelsey Corey
Re: [RC] snakes & horses...
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] snakes & horses...
Re: [RC] snakes & horses...
[RC] stopover
Betty Wolgram
[RC] Music City award--1984
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] Music City award--1984
Joe Long
Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.2933 hard roads
Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.2933 hard roads
Chris Paus
[RC] State Requirements for Vesicular Stomatitis
Steph Teeter
[RC] shooting off of your horse
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] Cougars
Bruce Weary DC
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] cougars
Dawn Simas
Re: [RC] cougars
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] cougars
Sky Ranch
[RC] RC: for the 1 %
[RC] Sasha and bladder infection
Carol Suggs
[RC] shooting off your "hoss"
Tracey Smith
[RC] Ortho Flex Versatile Saddle
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [SPAM] [RC] guns as protection when riding?
RE: [SPAM] [RC] guns as protection when riding?
Chris Paus
[RC] shooting off yer hoss
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] For the 1%
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] guns as protection when riding?
Tracey Smith
[RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Sarah Simmons
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Jon Bendtsen
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Chris Paus
RE: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Linda Cowles
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT ?
Karen Sullivan
RE: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT ?
Linda Cowles
Re: [RC] Barefoot/Shoes? Advice needed PLEASE! - LONG & Slightly OT?
[RC] oregon rides
[RC] Retirement home (for our horse!)
Alan Kay
Re: [RC] [RC] Retirement home (for our horse!)
Ashia Yother
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Retirement home (for our horse!)
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] [RC] You won't believe it....
Linda Hedgpeth
[RC] OT - cougars and hunting
Dawn Simas
[RC] cougars and protection to carry
Dawn Simas
Re: [RC] cougars and protection to carry
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] cougars and protection to carry
Charlene Large
Re: [RC] cougars and protection to carry
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] cougars and protection to carry
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] cougars and protection to carry
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] cougars and protection to carry
Carol Suggs
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] You won't believe it....
[RC] Saddle pad question
Cynthia Eyler
Re: [RC] Saddle pad question
Sisu West Ranch
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Saddle pad question
Mary Sutliff
[RC] Hoof Advice - Hoof Cracks
Karen Standefer
[RC] Sheila's Epic boots post - question
Priscilla Worth
RE: [RC] Sheila's Epic boots post - question
Dolores Arste
[RC] Anglo-Arabs
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] neoprene half chaps
Re: [RC] neoprene half chaps
Susan, Princess of Pink
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] neoprene half chaps
[RC] neoprene half chaps
[RC] Ga to KY
[RC] hoof advice
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] you won't believe it
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] You won't believe it
[RC] Half chaps
Re: [RC] Half chaps
Carol Suggs
Re: [RC] Half chaps
Suzi Maiorisi
[RC] Horse with burned tail
Carol Suggs
[RC] mountain lion concerns
LaFollett, Megan
[RC] Wide/narrow twist
Julie Fuller
Re: [RC] Wide/narrow twist
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] Wide/narrow twist
Re: [RC] Wide/narrow twist
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Wide/narrow twist
Laney Humphrey
[RC] Katrina Evac Sites and info
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Katrina Evac Sites and info
Kelsey Corey
Re: [RC] You won't believe it!
Bruce Weary DC
Re: [RC] You won't believe it!
Suzi Maiorisi
[RC] riding with mountain lions in California
Carol Suggs
RE: [RC] riding with mountain lions in California
Kassandra DiMaggio
Re: [RC] riding with mountain lions in California
Sisu West Ranch
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: [RC] riding with mountain lions in California
Mike Sherrell
Re: [RC] riding with mountain lions in California
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] riding with mountain lions in California
Barbara McCrary
[RC] Frank Solano
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] You won't believe it....
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Suzi Maiorisi
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] [RC] You won't believe it....
Re: [RC] [RC] You won't believe it....
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Suzi Maiorisi
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Jessica B
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] You won't believe it....
[RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] Narrow v. Wide Twist
Karen Sullivan
FW: [RC] horse/ mountain lion encounter
Mike Sherrell
[RC] Arabian Nights
Steph Teeter
[RC] More Help for the Hurricane Victims !
[RC] re: Narrow vs. Wide Twist
Kristi Schaaf
[RC] Homey Contest
[RC] wide/narrow twist/ synergist saddle
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] wide/narrow twist/ synergist saddle
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] wide/narrow twist/ synergist saddle
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] wide/narrow twist/ synergist saddle
Lynne Glazer
[RC] lubricant/grease used inside easyboot (epic) to preventchaffing?
[RC] Narrow vs. Wide Twist
Diana Peterson
Re: [RC] lubricant/grease used inside easyboot (epic) to prevent cha ffing?
Jon Bendtsen
[RC] Feeding Oat hay
Melody Wong
Re: [RC] Feeding Oat hay
Laney Humphrey
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Feeding Oat Hay
Bruce Weary
Re: [RC] Feeding Oat Hay
Laney Humphrey
[RC] lubricant/grease used inside easyboot (epic) to prevent chaffing?
Jon Bendtsen
[RC] Hurricaine Katrina-pasture
L gin
[RC] Fwd: [RC]?? riding in northwestern Oregon and southwest Washington
[RC] Katrina shelter for pets/horses
Soli Sorokin
[RC] OMG! No Brakes!!!
[RC] Narrow vs. Wide Twist
Mary Krauss
Re: [RC] Narrow vs. Wide Twist
Laney Humphrey
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Narrow vs. Wide Twist
Re: [RC] Narrow vs. Wide Twist
[RC] Narrow vs. Wide Twist
[RC] Black Country Equinox & Synergist
Mary Krauss
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Black Country Equinox & Synergist
Nancy Sturm
Re: [RC] Broodmare--Hannah Pruss
Mary Krauss
[RC] re: Oh, My...Barbara
Cindy Collins
[RC] Brood mare for sale
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Hurricane
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] leatherman tool
Re: [RC] leatherman tool
Sisu West Ranch
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] leatherman tool
Re: [RC] Trucks and tires
Tom Sites
[RC] Michael //Easy boots
Jerri Larsen
[RC] Finding Nemo
Tracy Bradford
RE: [RC] Headwaters Ride
Mary Krauss
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Headwaters Ride
Adam and Jannelle
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride
Mary Krauss
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride
Mary Krauss
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth
Barbara McCrary
[RC] FW: *InTheFlowResearch* prayer for Katrina
Dolores Arste
[RC] Looking for Endurance riders So Africa
Rebecca Hackworth
[RC] Horses eating / Peaceful
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Headwater Ride
Adam and Jannelle
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] Hurricane Refuge
[RC] horses eating/peaceful
Kathie Ford
Re: [RC] horses eating/peaceful
Jo Ann Knight
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] horses eating/peaceful
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] horses eating/peaceful
Re: [RC] horses eating/peaceful
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] horses eating/peaceful
Chris Paus
Re: [RC] Oh My! Elephants
Bruce Weary
Re: [RC] Oh My! Elephants
Dabney Finch
Re: [RC] Oh My! Elephants
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] Missed a great ride at Swanton
Ranelle Rubin
[RC] [RC] question on hauling a single horse in a stock trailer w/ no
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] [RC] question on hauling a single horse in a stock trailer w/ no
Nancy Sturm
[RC] Dave Barry Quote
Tina Rushing
Re: [RC] Dave Barry Quote
Jo Ann Knight
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Dave Barry Quote
[RC] Katrina hideout
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] Oh My !
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] NorthEast Riders Organization
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Oh, my......
Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] Oh, my......
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Oh, my......
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Oh, my......
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] Oh, my......
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] [RC] Oh, my......
Nancy Mitts
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Oh, my......
[RC] Hard Roads
Bruce Weary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] hard roads
Jackie Causgrove
Re: [RC] hard roads
Re: [RC] hard roads/legs
Kelsey Corey
[RC] question on hauling a single horse in a stock trailer w/ no divider
Marta Kozlowska
Re: [RC] question on hauling a single horse in a stock trailer w/ no divider
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] question on hauling a single horse in a stock trailer w/ no divider
Dyane Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: [RC] question on hauling a single horse in a stock trailer w/ no divider
Ellen Zawada
Stewart, Carrie
Re: [RC] [RC]
Jo Ann Knight
[RC] US: Arabian Nights
John Teeter
[RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Sky Ranch
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Re: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Chris Paus
RE: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Linda Cowles
Re: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Lynne Glazer
RE: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Linda Cowles
RE: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Linda Cowles
Re: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Dabney Finch
Re: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Lynne Glazer
RE: [RC] hard roads effect, lameness
Linda Cowles
[RC] Katrina
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Katrina
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Hurricane Katrina
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Glenda R. Snodgrass
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Suzi Maiorisi
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Re: [RC] [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Re: [RC] [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Jo Ann Knight
Re: [RC] [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] [RC] Hurricane Katrina
Jo Ann Knight
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
[RC] Hurricane Katrina
Re: [RC] Hurricane Katrina
[RC] Human Destress (was Training Advice--Backing)
Val Nicoson
Re: [RC] Frank
Re: [RC] Training advice (backing up thread)
Jo Ann Knight
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