The government has always "cut funding" for decades -
it is what they do - cut funding, increase taxes. Bush has his plusses and
minuses, but this has been going on for decades, not just the past what, 5
years? Frankly, it is the combination of our overdone entitlement programs that
have KEPT people poor. How do I know? Because we were they once - when I was
small. My mom decided it was better to be poor than to "learn" to rely on
someone else for support. It is - and was - wrong to teach multiple generations
now that they can and should live on hand-outs. I am reminded of ranches,
people, etc., who support rescuing animals - horses, dogs - yet they are
borrowing feed, living in a shack with their children and in the end half
starving the horses they rescued - dogs too. It seem like we have an
increasingly idiotic society where common sense is not very common anymore. Yes,
there should have been pre-emptive action - on the parts of ALL involved, the
local government (I have never felt it was the feds' job to babysit us), the
state, and from the people themselves. Heck, I coulda walked a long way in 48
hours. Guess I am a coward - I would not have stuck around - a blanket with food
and water and a pair of shoes and a thumb.
That said, there are the helpless by virtue of age,
illness or even species. The pets, the elderly, the babies - wow. They are at
the hands of whoever has them. I wish we could grab up some of those babies, old
folks and critters and stick em right here for the next 6 months. (I have a
little empty nest syndrome going on anyway:) -
There really IS no truly safe place to lie - exactly
the point. People need to be personally responsible for at least a modicum of
self-care. It is a sad day when thousands if not
millions depend in whole on the government - our tax dollars - to subsist. And
this SO needs to be addressed - you are correct - there IS no really safe place
to live. Life can be tenuous. So folks, what can YOU do to NOT be a victim when
the next "big one" comes, whatever that might be where you live? Don't forget
water and rations for your horses - they seem to be a bigger deal than people
because MREs and a case of water doesn't do it:). vbg - get yourselves horses
like our stallion who eats Doritos and P B & J.
So gripe and talk and vent all you want - and then
write a check anyway.