Guys, the third world is one hell of a nicer place than the US in distress is. People here are used to going without and having problems and they help each other. And since things never work properly anyway, everyone is set up to live with hand pumps and no power.??
Where everyone's idea of 'finding necessities' is the local supermarket, folks have no bloody idea how to manage in hard times.? Most of my neighbours have illegal guns and none of them would dream of using them on other people. They are just there for shooting into the air at weddings.? And people here share their water and food.
It isn't a "third world" atmosphere, it's the atmosphere of the "have's" suddenly not having.
On Sep 2, 2005, at 7:54 AM, TypeF (Jackie Floyd) wrote:
She said they were approx. 40 miles away from the disaster in a rural area and although they and their homes were safe, they were fearful of armed looters. She is appalled at the people in her state and neither of us could begin to imagine what the mentality level has come to in some people. She called it "a third world" atmosphere.?