My sisters inlaws live (used to until yesterday anyway) just east of Lake
Pontchartrain - luckily they are safely in Shreveport with my sister, but it's
not looking good for having much left of 78 years of life after this one.
Truly a lesson in letting go of 'things'. I cannot imagine it. Many,
many prayers for all that were affected.
Reply to: Kathy Myers magnumsmom@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx >========================================== > >I
just heard the levys broke. New Orleans is under water. >I hope
everyone got out. Prayers to all... well, not so >many to the
looters. > >Kathy Myers >in Santa Fe, NM
Don't be too quick to judge the looters. From what I hear, most
of them are taking what they need to survive, and they have no way to buy
it normally. I daresay most of us would do the same if our lives
depended on it.
At least one Wal-Mart store in New Orleans just opened
their doors and invited anyone to take what they need.
There were
videos on the news of people *walking* out of New Orleans with nothing but
what they could carry -- and nothing but devastation ahead of them for many