wrote>>>>An individual membership costs $65 while a "family" member
costs only $10 with the only requirement to be a family member that (s)he have
the same mailing address as the primary. If you belong to a country club or
college or university club, a reduced rate for family members makes sense
because the organization's additional expense for those memebers in negligible.
But with AERC, all the record keeping costs just as much for each family member
as it does for the primary.<<<<<<
The membership levels we thought about increasing
were the day members and the second and subseqent family members, not the
regular members.
wrote>>>Angie, is this true? BoD members are not allowed to ask their
constituents their opinions on pending issues? That is total Bullsh** ! How can
you possibly represent your region if you can't elicit the riderships'
Where the
heck did THAT come from???? If we were not 'allowed', would I be here talking to
you- my constituents???? Please do not get goofy on us here----as
directors, we strive to understand and represent the members on every issue. The
minutes to every meeting are on line and in EN, and available to
Regional Director nominations are due....put your hat in the
Laura Hayes - Director at Large, Chair of the
Welfare Committee, Lay Member - Vet Committee AERC#