Re: [RC] Headwaters Ride and old growth - Barbara McCrary
I had heard for years that all the eastern
forests were decimated, that man had cut them all down. The first
time I flew back east, I was astounded at the size of the forests! Of
course, one hears constantly about redwood trees and how they will be gone
forever if they are cut. Piffle!!! You cut down a redwood tree and
two months later the sprouts are already a foot high. Cut one tree and
several will grow in its place. Of course, if one demands instant results,
that doesn't happen, as it takes half a century to grow another BIG redwood, but
Nature takes care of all this. It just takes some time.
There are for more trees in the U.S. now than at the turn of the century,
The deer population is much higher too. Heck, we're over run with wild turkeys
round here these days. I've seen a 1920 photo of my neighborhood
and you can see over a mile. So weird to see roads that I know are over there
but now the view is blocked every 20 feet by *another* tree. If you don't
bushhog a field yearly round here you have a forest in just a couple of years.
Even buildings are getting more temporary.. A huge barn that my grandfather
built by himself recently burned thanks to a meth lab that someone had set up
inside (the farm had been deserted). It's really sad, more and more of our old
buildings are going that way. You sure don't go exploring round ol' homesteads
around here like you used to could.