?? Question several years
ago, there was an article in Endurance News; that listed a "compound" of
ingredients to treat "scratches", never thought I would need; have never really
had a problem with scratches - I would dry and coat legs as needed
during rides to protect from excessive moisture / irritants - ie, destin or
vaseline; and ' no problem'... and never had 'outbreaks' here on
"home range" of bacteria. But ; ... go figure, dry here, and horse
with No white on legs; ... he has an awful appearing 'case'
of "scratches" on one leg. After a couple days, I realized it was
not just mud / or dirt but "scratches"; ok . shoot me! , I practice "benign"
neglect sometimes. This is A pasture horse, (semi - cripple) ; no
work, and pasture is 'short', no worry about alot of dew. he hangs out at the
barn most all day, clean surroundings. ( Wouldn't you know, I didn't
keep that ! magazine and search of archives - did not reveal info looking
for , -- was a mixture of antibiotic, anti-fungal, (ok, got
...but also had other ingredient,??
want to think a wormer?
realizing today - what was going on, scrubbed area and applied "homemade
compound" - antibiotic, antifungal,..... but what was the other
ingredient? I did see in search; some recommend cortisone - no thanks, not
with infection; or DMSO - not sure about that either; ??adding G. violet
solution, or ?? what was other ingredient??. Anyone remember?
About Oat Hay,
I had some couple years ago, (was alittle stemming), but horses LOVED It........
recommend though, you have a cat, or two, at barn, as it sure did
draw the mice / rats. Stephanie M.