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Sun Sep 07 07:29:14 GMT 2008
[RC] Nevada All-State Trail Riders Stallion Service Auction Begins
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Is it Endurance?
Dot Wiggins
[RC] barn house Oregon N. California
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] RV rental for Tevis
Karen Ellis
[RC] alabama endurance group?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] breakins/safety issues
Kathie Ford
[RC] Abetta saddles
Suzanne Boyd
Re: [RC] Abetta saddles
heidi larson
[RC] 100s-again
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] proud flesh treatment
RE: [RC] proud flesh treatment
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
[RC] Safety zone
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] re: ATV use in forest
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: ATV use in forest
Barbara McCrary
[RC] terminating membership-go, Barbara!
Cindy Collins
[RC] please reply if you will attend..........
matt medeiros
[RC] why have safe beautiful trails without safe staging?
matt medeiros
[RC] Rug Proof
wendy mancini
[RC] abetta saddles - some thoughts
Laura Hayes
[RC] Barn/house combo and anyone know of land for sale Oregon or N. Cal
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Barn/house combo and anyone know of land for sale Oregon or N. Cal
[RC] vigilanticism
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] vigilanticism
Lif Strand
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] vigilanticism
[RC] Just desserts
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery/ round bales
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery/ round bales
[RC] Swanton Pacific- The Last Big Hill
Re: [RC] Swanton Pacific- The Last Big Hill
Lady Monalaina
[RC] auburn lake trails
Kathie Ford
[RC] de - elevator rides
[RC] Rug Proof. I'm disgusted
Julie Fuller
Re: [RC] Rug Proof. I'm disgusted
heidi larson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Rug Proof. I'm disgusted
Mary Sutliff
[RC] Monday night meeting in Cool Staging Area Patrol
matt medeiros
Re: [RC] Monday night meeting in Cool Staging Area Patrol
Steven Proe
[RC] RE:Proud flesh knees
Julie Fuller
[RC] 100's again - Bruce Weary
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Burro Mtn Sacrifice
Re: [RC] Burro Mtn Sacrifice
Diane Trefethen
[RC] another Auburn break-in
Ann Blankenship
Re: [RC] another Auburn break-in
Lif Strand
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] another Auburn break-in
Re: [RC] another Auburn break-in
Lif Strand
Re: [RC] another Auburn break-in
matt medeiros
Re: [RC] another Auburn break-in
Steven Proe
Re: [RC] another Auburn break-in
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] another Auburn break-in
[RC] FYI-Convention Hotel Heads Up
[RC] ATv' in the forest
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] ATv' in the forest
Bob Morris
RE: [RC] de-elevators, elevators
RE: [RC] de-elevators, elevators
Don Huston
Re: [RC] de-elevators, elevators
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Lead-based paint
RE: [RC] Lead-based paint
Rae Callaway
[RC] Proud Flesh Knees
sandy rovane
Re: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Re: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Bette Lamore
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
RE: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
Re: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Re: [RC] Proud Flesh Knees
[RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Susan Favro
[RC] Proud Flesh Knees
Susan Favro
[RC] Re:What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Claudia Dawson
[RC] Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference Aug 3-5 in Virginia
Sally Aungier
[RC] Re:100s de-elevation
Claudia Dawson
[RC] 100's again
Bruce Weary
Re: [RC] 100's again
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] 100's again
[RC] Horse with uneven neck muscles & behavior problems
Claire Nystrom
RE: [RC] Horse with uneven neck muscles & behavior problems
Rae Callaway
Re: [RC] Horse with uneven neck muscles & behavior problems
Barbara McCrary
RE: [RC] Horse with uneven neck muscles & behavior problems
Rae Callaway
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Horse with uneven neck muscles & behavior problems
Lani M Olson
[RC] Problems With Abetta Cordura Endurance saddles
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Problems With Abetta Cordura Endurance saddles
[RC] re: partial credit OR motivation is not equal to lying
Mary Krauss
[RC] Thief on horseback steals cell phone
[RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Susan Favro
RE: [RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Re: [RC] [RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Debbie Kirchner
RE: [RC] [RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Diana Peterson
Re: [RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] What does "bonding" with a horse mean to you?
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea) - NO
[RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea) NOT YET
Don Huston
[RC] partical credit
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] partical credit
[RC] Breakins now in Loomis/Folsom area too
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] 100's & goals
Dream Weaver
[RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea)
Don Huston
RE: [RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea)
Rae Callaway
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea) - LOVE IT!
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea) - LOVE IT!
Barbara McCrary
RE: [RC] [RC] 100 Mile Apprenticeship (New Idea)
ll cole
[RC] partial credit
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] partical credit.
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] partical credit.
Re: [RC] partical credit.
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] partical credit.
[RC] de-elevators, elevators
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] de-elevators, elevators
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] de-elevators, elevators
Joe Long
Re: [RC] de-elevators, elevators//$$$$
Beverley H. Kane, MD
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] partical credit.
Kathy Kelly
[RC] [RC] Kiger/Energizer
[RC] little river cannon. link
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Kiger/Energizer
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Kiger/Energizer
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] Kiger/Energizer and bonding question
Barbara Moulton
[RC] Rooms at the convention Thursday
Michael Maul
[RC] was hay, now 26 days of rain
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] was hay, now 26 days of rain
Zephyr Arabians
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] was hay, now 26 days of rain
Julie Fuller
[RC] little river canyon trails?
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] little river canyon trails?
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] little river canyon trails?
[RC] re: partial credit
Cindy Collins
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] re: partial credit
RE: [RC] re: partial credit
Re: [RC] re: partial credit
Cindy Collins
[RC] Trying to find gaited horses in Arizona for a dear friend
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Fwd: SANS NewsBites Vol. 8 Num. 4
John Teeter
RE: [RC] de-elevators and increasing 100 mile-riders
Mary Krauss
[RC] Lead-based paint
Diane Trefethen
[RC] good rides ever organized by amateurs?
Mary Krauss
RE: [RC] good rides ever organized by amateurs?
Rae Callaway
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] good rides ever organized by amateurs?
Re: [RC] good rides ever organized by amateurs?
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] good rides ever organized by amateurs?
Re: [RC] [RC] 100's
[RC] Strange Horse Inquiry
Kari Hanes
[RC] Attn People in TX that need hay
Christina Schiro
[RC] Pursuing goals
Suzy Ticer
[RC] Tent Camping & Safety
cynthia hamberg
Re: [RC] Tent Camping & Safety
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Tent Camping & Safety
Linda S. Flemmer
Re: [RC] Tent Camping & Safety
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Tent Camping & Safety
Linda S. Flemmer
Re: [RC] Tent Camping & Safety
Karen L.
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Tent Camping & Safety
[RC] Tent Camping & Safety
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Rooms at the convention
Michael Maul
[RC] Another View of Elevator Rides
Joane Pappas White
[RC] camper
[RC] Cronan Ranch
sandy rovane
[RC] re: Why we don't need de- elevators (and Frank S)
Cindy Collins
[RC] short horse tall rider
larry Miller
[RC] tents
larry Miller
[RC] Icelandics--Raven private
Dawn Simas
[RC] Difficulty Finding Hay Due to Drought Conditions- N. Texas
Christy Adame
[RC] question on selenium levels....
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] question on selenium levels....
Don Huston
Re: [RC] question on selenium levels....
Laney Humphrey
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] question on selenium levels....
Kathy Kelly
RE: [RC] question on selenium levels....
Jim Holland
RE: RE: [RC] question on selenium levels....
[RC] Hoof protection for shod horse, bosana boot?
Susan Favro
[RC] Tent camping - Sherman
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Filly with Burned Tail
Jim Holland
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Filly with Burned Tail
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] Filly with Burned Tail
RE: [RC] Filly with Burned Tail
Jim Holland
[RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Re: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
RE: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Zephyr Arabians
RE: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
RE: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Re: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Re: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Remote areas and hay delivery
Karla Watson
[RC] Update: Tall Riders on Short Horses
Karen Casemier
Re: [RC] Update: Tall Riders on Short Horses
Kari Hanes
[RC] Muscle exercises for EPM horse
Kathleen A. Crothers
[RC] Hoof protection for shod horse ,bosana boot?
Kathleen A. Crothers
RE: [RC] [RC] Hoof protection for shod horse ,bosana boot?
Diana Peterson
Re: [RC] Hoof protection for shod horse ,bosana boot?
Truman Prevatt
[RC] New South African Endurance Group
[RC] Kigers and Kiger/Arabs
Dianne Chaffee
Re: [RC] Kigers and Kiger/Arabs
Karla Watson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Kigers and Kiger/Arabs
[RC] Tent trailers
Re: [RC] Tent trailers
[RC] 100 Mile Thoughts
tom noll
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Thoughts
Don Huston
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] 100 Mile Thoughts
Tom Sites
[RC] [RC] Tent camping
RE: [RC] [RC] Tent camping
Pat and Janett Van Nuland
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Tent camping
Re: [RC] [RC] Tent camping
Diane Trefethen
[RC] Charlene/Kiger ?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Louisana gumbo --RC
L gin
Re: [RC] Louisana gumbo --RC
[RC] saddle trees that might fit
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
Don Huston
Re: [RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
Joe Long
Re: [RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
Don Huston
Re: [RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
Diane Trefethen
RE: [RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
Bob Morris
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Why We Don't Need Elevator Rides
[RC] Angies-- "cheap"-- riders apply
L gin
Re: [RC] Angies-- "cheap"-- riders apply
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] Angies-- "cheap"-- riders apply
[RC] SERA/GERA Convention
Truman Prevatt
[RC] 100 Mile Recognition Program - Pacific South Region
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] 100 Mile Recognition Program - Pacific South Region
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] folding cart
Re: [RC] folding cart
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: [RC] folding cart
[RC] folding cart
larry Miller
Re: [RC] folding cart
[RC] Tents vs. LQ's
sandy . l . holder
[RC] Conditioning a young horse
Allegra C
[RC] Tent Camping
Aaron Turnage
Re: [RC] Tent Camping
j marshall
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Tent camping
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] about John P and his ponies
Laura Hayes
[RC] horse moved ky TO al?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] re: birthday calander
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Camping in Tents
Suzy Ticer
RE: [RC] [RC] Camping in Tents
Terry Banister
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] camping in tents
Beth Bliss
[RC] Tents vs LQ - Mel Cochran
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Lousiana Gumbo ride
Mary Maynard
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Lousiana Gumbo ride
Todd Hezeau
[RC] Lousiana Gumbo ride
Todd Hezeau
[RC] Tents vs LQ
Mel Cochran
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Linda S. Flemmer
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] Tents vs LQ
heidi larson
RE: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Pat and Janett Van Nuland
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Kara Henry
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Cheryl Ann
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Laney Humphrey
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
Re: [RC] Tents vs LQ
[RC] Abetta endurance saddle
[RC] Swanton Pacific - last big hill
sandy . l . holder
[RC] REfrigerators
Becky Hackworth
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] REfrigerators
Susan Favro
Re: [RC] REfrigerators
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] REfrigerators
Re: [RC] REfrigerators
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] REfrigerators
Kathy Kelly
Re: [RC] REfrigerators
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] To Ground or Not to Ground
Susan Favro
Re: [RC] To Ground or Not to Ground
Lady Monalaina
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] To Ground or Not to Ground
[RC] to ground or not to ground?
Kathie Ford
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] to ground or not to ground?
RE: [RC] to ground or not to ground?
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
[RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Re: [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Sisu West Ranch
RE: [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
Re: [RC] [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Re: [RC] [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Re: [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Laney Humphrey
RE: [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
[RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Susan Shook
RE: [RC] Selenium Vit E and flax/BOSS
Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.
RE: [RC] [RC] De-Elevate
RE: [RC] [RC] De-Elevate
John Teeter
Re: [RC] [RC] De-Elevate
Joe Long
Re: [RC] [RC] De-Elevate
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] [RC] De-Elevate
Mcgann, Barbara
Re: [RC] [RC] De-Elevate
[RC] looking for Christa/Adri Dinkelman
[RC] Love the photos!
Alissa Cowan
[RC] John Parke out there?
Dawn Simas
Re: [RC] [RC] John Parke out there?
[RC] Kiger Mustang ?
Mom Alexander
Re: [RC] Kiger Mustang ?
Laney Humphrey
Re: [RC] Kiger Mustang ?
Ellen Zawada
Re: [RC] Kiger Mustang ?
Charlene Large
[RC] Bucking/Thanks/Body Work/The End
Beverley H. Kane, MD
[RC] Short rides
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Short rides
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Short rides
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] Short rides
Barbara McCrary
[RC] consumer reports
Re: [RC] Reply to Wintec question
Lysane Cree
Re: [RC] [RC] Reply to Wintec question
Mel Cochran
Re: [RC] [RC] Reply to Wintec question
Lysane Cree
[RC] Happy Story/Kigers
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Susan Favro
Re: [RC] [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
Re: [RC] [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Jeannie Gillen
RE: [RC] [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Susan Favro
Re: [RC] [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Sisu West Ranch
[RC] Judie Ricci/Happy Story
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Judie Ricci/Happy Story
Ellen Zawada
[RC] re: elevator rides as incentive & weight divisions
Mary Krauss
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] re: elevator rides as incentive & weight divisions
[RC] De-Elevate
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Fw: [RC] De-Elevate
Faustina Duffy
RE: [RC] De-Elevate
Peter Harper
[RC] Truman, you misunderstood me a little
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] Truman, you misunderstood me a little
Truman Prevatt
[RC] tranny mechanic in Sacto.
Dawn Simas
[RC] The 100 Mile "Bug"
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] elevator/de-elevator. consider:
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] craigslist ortho-flex
heidi larson
[RC] [RC] Birthday Calendar
[RC] re: ROC/100 milers, etc.
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: ROC/100 milers, etc.
Truman Prevatt
[RC] [RC] elevators/de-elevators. Consider. - Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] elevators/de-elevators. Consider. - Ridecamp Guest
Dabney Finch
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] elevators/de-elevators. Consider. - Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Birthday calendar - Hoax or real?
Steph E Caldwell
[RC] elevators/de-elevators. Consider.
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Birthday Calendar
Ashia Yother
RE: [RC] Birthday Calendar
Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
[RC] Need some help with pacing
Jessica Spoone-Raines
[RC] 100's
Tom Sites
Re: [RC] 100's
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] 100's
Re: [RC] 100's
Re: [RC] 100's RE: BayMars Injury
Tom Sites
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] 100's
[RC] 100's
Bruce Weary DC
Re: [RC] 100's
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] 100's
Re: [RC] [RC] 100's
[RC] pursueing goals
heidi larson
Re: [RC] pursueing goals
Carol Scott
Re: [RC] pursueing goals
Ellen Zawada
Re: [RC] 100's
Bruce Weary
Re: [RC] [RC] Dr. Barsaleau's New Book
Dana B.
[RC] 100's - Elevators - Reasons
Tracy Blue
[RC] [RC] Look out posse
[RC] Re; Harry's Fish Follies
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Look out posse
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Help Stranded in Sacramento
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Dr. Barsaleau's New Book
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] New AERC-I page online
Michael Maul
[RC] Saddle trees that might fit?
Sharon Levasseur
Re: [RC] Saddle trees that might fit?
Laney Humphrey
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] saddle trees that might fit?
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] Sad story - to Keith
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] elevators
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Harry's Fish Follies?
[RC] endurance
sandy . l . holder
Re: [RC] re:Shine and Shine
[RC] Staging area lookout possy
[RC] Corrals 2 Go at AERC convention
Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
[RC] elevator rides
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] elevator rides
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Rides to get ready for first 100 - suggestions please
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Rides to get ready for first 100 - suggestions please
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] De-elevators
Re: [RC] De-elevators//Brainstorming for Attending 100s
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] De-elevators//Brainstorming for Attending 100s
Re: [RC] De-elevators//Brainstorming for Attending 100s
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] De-elevators//Brainstorming for Attending 100s
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] De-elevators//Brainstorming for Attending 100s
Joe Long
RE: [RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Alison Farrin
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Alison Farrin
[RC] Saddles, again. . .
sandy . l . holder
[RC] FreeForm saddle
sandy . l . holder
Re: [RC] David Lewis Fund
Dana B.
[RC] tall riders any horse
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Trail Patrol-Auburn area-Matt M. and Steve pls read
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] [RC] Spring fever in January
Chastain, Shannon L.
[RC] sad story maybe this list serve
Keith Kibler
Re: [RC] sad story maybe this list serve
Laney Humphrey
[RC] Race of Champions
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Race of Champions
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] Freeform Saddles & weight dispersion
Candace Kahn
[RC] Tall Rider/Short Horse
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] Is there a "Consumer Reports" for horse trailers?
Laney Humphrey
[RC] tall hubby short horse
larry Miller
Re: [RC] tall hubby short horse
Christina Schiro
Re: [RC] tall hubby short horse
Laney Humphrey
RE: [RC] [RC] tall hubby short horse
Juli Jakub
[RC] Right to Ride-Senate Committee Info
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Tall riders on short horses
Karen Casemier
Re: [RC] Tall riders on short horses
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] Tall riders on short horses
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Tall riders on short horses
Zephyr Arabians
[RC] Right to Ride legislation update
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Sad Story
[RC] saddle fit
Re: [RC] saddle fit
Laney Humphrey
[RC] Ocala Forest Killings
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Clarification on classified ad for stirrups/cinches.
Sharon Levasseur
Judie Ricci
<Possible follow-ups>
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] sheepskin for specialized saddle
[RC] New saddles and Patience-and water.
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] getting more 100 mile riders
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] getting more 100 mile riders
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] getting more 100 mile riders
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] getting more 100 mile riders
Joe Long
[RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Diane Trefethen
Re: [RC] 100's - elevators/de-elevators
Joe Long
[RC] trail patrol(what a joke)I agree with Steve
matt medeiros
Re: [RC] trail patrol(what a joke)I agree with Steve
Sisu West Ranch
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] trail patrol(what a joke)I agree with Steve
matt medeiros
[RC] [RC] Repo truck - Steve
[RC] Sad Day
Re: [RC] Sad Day
Don Huston
[RC] Staging area PATROL
[RC] Repo truck
[RC] Staging Area thieves
[RC] flaxen/sabino, etc.
Ed Kilpatrick
[RC] HAF all purpose pad w/inserts
Cindy Collins
[RC] Theives at Driver's Flat!
[RC] Fell on my head Dec 31 2004...
Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
RE: Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
RE: [RC] [RC] A sad story for AERC
Mcgann, Barbara
[RC] sad story (not) and natural toughness
Dot Wiggins
RE: [RC] sad story (not) and natural toughness
Kristen A Fisher
[RC] Question about mares
Ridecamp Guest
RE: [RC] [RC] Question about mares
Juli Jakub
[RC] field trials:hurry up and wait" affairs
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Pacing at LD's
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] Spring fever in January
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] Spring fever in January
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Spring fever in January
Sky Ranch
Re: [RC] [RC] Spring fever in January
Juli Jakub
Re: [RC] Spring fever in January
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Spring fever in January
Dyane Smith
Re: [RC] Spring fever in January
RE: [RC] Spring fever in January
Jim Holland
Re: [RC] Spring fever in January
Barbara McCrary
[RC] 23 new AERC rides and Convention
TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
Re: [RC] [RC] All Horse Systems Go by Nancy Loving
Winter, Randy or Cheryl
[RC] "natural" stamina/FT horse care
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] "natural" stamina/FT horse care
Laney Humphrey
[RC] re: build a 100 mile horse & "gaited newbe"
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: build a 100 mile horse & "gaited newbe"
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] re: build a 100 mile horse & "gaited newbe"
Cindy Collins
[RC] Angie McGhee
[RC] AERC - San Antonio
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] AERC - San Antonio
Re: [RC] AERC - San Antonio
RE: [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
Soli Sorokin
[RC] trailer ac
Amy Martin
[RC] Newbies
Bruce Weary DC
[RC] re: 100 mile recognition
Cindy Collins
[RC] 2007 PAC
Myna Cryderman
[RC] a sad story for AERC?
Ed Kilpatrick
RE: [RC] a sad story for AERC?
Libby & Quentin Llop DVM
Re: [RC] a sad story for AERC?
Laney Humphrey
[RC] How Did I Get Bucked Off?
[RC] My experience with me new Freeform saddle - story
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] My experience with me new Freeform saddle - story
Tiffany D'Virgilio
Re: [RC] [RC] My experience with me new Freeform saddle - story
Juli Jakub
Re: [RC] My experience with me new Freeform saddle - story
Karla Watson
RE: [RC] My experience with me new Freeform saddle - story
Dolores Arste
[RC] A sad sad story :-(
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] HAF pad with FreeForm
sandy . l . holder
[RC] A sad story for AERC
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Fay Kelley
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Jessica Spoone-Raines
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
RE: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Rae Callaway
RE: [RC] [RC] A sad story for AERC
Catfish Daniels
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Fay Kelley AZNORTH
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Re: [RC] [RC] A sad story for AERC
Diana Peterson
[RC] A sad story for AERC and then some
Re: [RC] A sad story for AERC
Re: [RC] [RC] A sad story for AERC
Diana Peterson
[RC] Fw: Melanoma's
[RC] All Horse Systems Go by Nancy Loving
Winter, Randy or Cheryl
Re: [RC] [RC] All Horse Systems Go by Nancy Loving
[RC] 100s
larry Miller
[RC] Melonoma's in horses, genetic?
[RC] 100 miler awards and Warner Hot Springs ride
sandy . l . holder
[RC] Protect your cell phone number
Susan Favro
Re: [RC] Protect your cell phone number
[RC] Recognition Programs
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Recognition Programs
[RC] build a 100 mile horse
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] build a 100 mile horse
Jody Rogers-Buttram
[RC] 100 milers
Bruce Weary DC
Re: [RC] 100 milers
Jon . Linderman
[RC] Warner Springs (PS) Ride & Vet Photos
Lynne Glazer
Re: [RC] 100 mile riders/Dot/Doability
Rebecca Hackworth
[RC] center fire rigging
Karla Watson
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] center fire rigging
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum]100 Mile Horses in Southern Calif.
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum]100 Mile Horses in Southern Calif.
[RC] Articles on parasite control
Susan Favro
Re: [RC] [RC] how did i get bucked off?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] 100 mile riders
Dot Wiggins
Re: [RC] 100 mile riders
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] 100 mile riders
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] 100 mile riders
Truman Prevatt
[RC] Riding out bucks
Becky Hackworth
[RC] Cronin Ranch break ins
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Cronin Ranch break ins
Re: [RC] Cronin Ranch break ins
[RC] Underage - gray area
[RC] dsld/unexplained lameness
susan tweedale-hill \(golshani\)
[RC] Bucking!!
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] how did i get bucked off? advice
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] how did i get bucked off? advice
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] how did i get bucked off? advice//Brokeback Mountain
Beverley H. Kane, MD
[RC] how did i get bucked off? advice
Ed Kilpatrick
Re: [RC] how did i get bucked off? advice
Jody Rogers-Buttram
Re: [RC] [RC] how did i get bucked off? advice
Re: [RC] how did i get bucked off? advice//Ed
Beverley H. Kane, MD
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] how did i get bucked off? advice
[RC] Sand Hills Stampede
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Sand Hills Stampede
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Bumper pull Living Quarters
Re: [RC] [RC] Bumper pull Living Quarters
Re: [RC] [RC] Bumper pull Living Quarters
Laney Humphrey
RE: [RC] [RC] Bumper pull Living Quarters
Karen Snodgrass
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Bumper pull Living Quarters
[RC] Ride to CA for a horse in TX
[RC] re: being bucked off
Cindy Collins
Re: [RC] re: being bucked off
Re: [RC] being bucked off/Overanalyzed/Betty & Cindy
Beverley H. Kane, MD
[RC] torsion saddle
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [RC] torsion saddle
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] torsion saddle
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Price of horse
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Price of horse
Bette Lamore
Re: [RC] Price of horse//Bucking Advice
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] Price of horse
Sisu West Ranch
Re: [RC] Price of horse
Beverley H. Kane, MD
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Price of horse
[RC] Easyboot Bares
Candace Kahn
[RC] scout is home
Re: [RC] scout is home
Lynne Glazer
[RC] How Did I Get Bucked Off?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Merlin/Excalibar
[RC] Nevada All State Trail Riders Stallion Service Auction
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
L gin
Re: [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
Soli Sorokin
Re: [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
Soli Sorokin
Re: [RC] [RC] Flaxen, Sabino gene
Zephyr Arabians
[RC] Warner Springs 2006
Re: [RC] Warner Springs 2006
Tiffany D'Virgilio
[RC] Warner Springs 2006
Dabney Finch
[RC] Bucked Off - Question
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Bucked Off - Question
Barbara Moulton
Re: [RC] riding twice in the same event
[RC] More on 100 mile horse program
[RC] Research question: Foot issues
Lif Strand
[RC] re: [RC] BoD Conferenc Call - 100 Mile Horses - rides2far
[RC] BoD Conferenc Call - 100 Mile Horses - rides2far
Dabney Finch
[RC] msm or what?
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] How did [I] get [Ended]? Bucked Off! Advice?
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] How did [I] get [Ended]? Bucked Off! Advice?
Stacy Sadar
Re: [RC] Bucking/Legs Forward/Stacey/Ed
Beverley H. Kane, MD
Re: [RC] [RC] Bucking/Legs Forward/Stacey/Ed
Mel Cochran
RE: [RC] [RC] Bucking/Legs Forward/Stacey/Ed
Dolores Arste
[RC] Bucking
Carolyn Burgess
Re: [RC] Bucking
Truman Prevatt
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] How did [I] get [Ended]? Bucked Off! Advice?
Re: [RC] How did [I] get [Ended]? Bucked Off! Advice?
[RC] Re [RC] Arrangements for David Lewis
Dana B.
[RC] BoD Conferenc Call - 100 Mile Horses
[RC] Fw: Stolen Horse
Fay Kelley AZNORTH
[RC] Comments on Neutron King series Endurance Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Airfare to the convention
Michael Maul
[RC] looking for a boarding facility in central new jersey
Marta Kozlowska
[RC] LQ Trailer suggestions
Candace L. Kahn
RE: [RC] LQ Trailer suggestions
Rae Callaway
Re: [RC] LQ Trailer suggestions
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] [RC] LQ Trailer suggestions
[RC] Trilby and the archives
Michael Maul
[RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?
Jon . Linderman
Re: [RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?
Karen Sullivan
Re: [RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?
Lauren E. Reitz
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?
k s swigart
[RC] Anyone have their bars grow like crazy?
Karen Standefer
Re: [RC] Likely Express
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Likely Express
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] likely express
Ridecamp Guest
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