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Re: [RC] question on selenium levels.... - Laney Humphrey

Maybe something else is causing the "tie up." A friend's horse appeared to tie up for over two years before EPM was diagnosed. The horse survived but had either muscle or nerve damage. He's been out to pasture for the past 5 years but my friend recently started riding him again, lightly, and he appears to be fine - for a 20+ year old. Maybe it just took that long for the damage to heal.

Karen Sullivan wrote:
Friends horse has had two tie ups in past several weeks....about hour after starting work....horse was walked two and a half miles then started slow trotitng up slight hill...cramped up about a half mile up....both times was able to (had to) walk back to trailer....last trip she hauled him to vet to draw blood....don't have values yet on muscle enzymes....here is Se level: Lisa (vet) left message on phone that Jeep's selenium level was 0.29. Reference/normal range is between 0.08-0.5, with Jeep's level right in the middle. Can folks comment on Se level?


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[RC] question on selenium levels...., Karen Sullivan