lee, we use several hundred square bales a
year. am fortunate enough to have hooked up with a hay grower and we pay
him up front (soon as his hay is in the barn) for what we want that year.
as i only have room for like a hundred and fifty bales he delivers, unloads and
stacks that for us and then when i start getting low i call and he brings
another load. each time he brings a load i pay him only thirty five
dollars!! money well spent if you ask me cause i sure don't want to have
to do it. i love doing it this way as once his hay is cut i'm set for the
year. no out hunting, scrounging or having to accept unacceptable
hay. when folks running out start calling him and he thinks his hay is
going to get low he will always call me and see if i'm going to want any more
before he sells them any. it's a great secure feeling to know i don't have
to worry about hay!! if you can hook up with someone like that i think
it's the way to go.
patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.