that's a big problem with the
world now...lack of shame. i think i was about three when i really learned
to feel shame, least that's the first time i remember. my cousins were
catching june bugs (some call them july flys) and they'd tie a string to their
leg and turn them loose. they'd fly around and around, i thought it was
pretty neat! they gave me one to hold and i was having a blast. my
mom came out and watched for a minute and she said sadly "poor little
thing. he just wants to live his life with his family and now all he can
do is fly around and around in a circle." i'm telling you she knew how to
invoke shame, had it down she did. i burst into tears and cried for her to
turn it loose, untie it. that was just the first time i remember her
shaming me but it sure wasn't the last. she's gone now but i thank her
with all my heart. she made me a better and kinder person although her
shaming wasn't always THAT gentle. wouldn't it be great if these "people"
who sore horses and the like could feel shame? come to think about it
though guess if that sort felt shame we wouldn't have the animal (and people)
abuse that goes on at all. yep...let's have shame.
patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.
Claude Kuwanijuma - Hopi Spiritual
In the end, it appears that a level of appropriate shame would help a
great many societal problems these days. Few people feel shame for
their bad manners, rudeness or even cruelty. Shame is a tool a good thing, a
learning device - at least it can be. This statement:
Too bad you, and others, think that shaming other people is
an acceptable form of education.
it really IS true - it IS a learning tool! It isn't a huge criticism. I
for one am glad a little shame now and then can set me straight. Don't you
think it would be a great tool for this dude who likely has no business being
on a horse let alone in public and in a competitive venue? I didn't think the
original author was slamming anyone on the list. Kind of was preaching to the
choir. Anyway, it must be too cold or wet or something and no one is riding
and gets grouchy:). Me too - off to find my HRM for the morning.