ridecamp@endurance.net by subject
ridecamp@endurance.net by subject
Starting: Wed 01 May 1996 - 00:00:-81813 PDT
Ending: Fri 31 May 1996 - 00:00:-12931 PDT
Messages: 692
- [endurance] "Force-feeding" oil
- [endurance] "You know you're an endurance rider when...."
- [endurance] (astrology) EquiStudy Results~ (was: Birthdays
- [endurance] (astrology) EquiStudy Results~ (was: Birthdays Needed!)
- [endurance] (endurance) Re(4): REMINDER!!! Benefit for USET Endurance / Updat
- [endurance] (Fwd) Biltmore ride & weather
- [endurance] 2-HRS Gooseneck w/Lvg Qtrs For Sale
- [endurance] [103406.572@compuserve.com: 1991 & 1992 SW Region Junior Champion Mare for Sale]
- [endurance] [AdminBLP7%Admin%DCPP@go50.comp.pge.com: Wanted Ad]
- [endurance] [charlene.bartholomae@rhesus.tpc.tulane.edu: trailer for sale]
- [endurance] [charlene.bartholomae@rhesus.tpc.tulane.edu: WANTED - horse trailer]
- [endurance] [Endurance] No Hands Bridge CALENDAR
- [endurance] [Endurance] No Hands Bridge Update
- [endurance] [geronimo@epix.net: PLACING AN AD]
- [endurance] [Michae9091@aol.com: 6 to 10 year old arabian wanted]
- [endurance] [PATTISAM@aol.com: Blue Mountain Gallop Ride Results]
- [endurance] [rijala@sekol.fi: 9-day riding tour in Iceland]
- [endurance] [RiverRover@aol.com: 2 saddles for sale]
- [endurance] [SandyDSA@aol.com: ARABIANS FOR SALE]
- [endurance] [Scooby1069@aol.com: 5 year BASK mare]
- [endurance] [Stories and Gilroy Hot Springs NATRC
- [endurance] [wencel@foothill.net: Australian Saddles]
- [endurance] [wencel@foothill.net: Australian Saddles]]
- [endurance] a review of tying-up for whomever
- [endurance] A Technology Issue...
- [endurance] Acupuncture & acupressure
- [endurance] Adequan, Cosequin
- [endurance] admin info
- [endurance] admin stuff
- [endurance] administration
- [endurance] administration stuff
- [endurance] Advise on box for electric fencing
- [endurance] AERC Memberhip & How to Remove #'s???
- [endurance] Al-Marah Endurance Camp
- [endurance] ALEXANDRA!
- [endurance] All A's vet scores
- [endurance] all kidding aside...
- [endurance] All Those Stories
- [endurance] Allowing a ho...
- [endurance] Allowing a horse to choose his own gait
- [endurance] Allowing a horse to choose his own gait - NO!
- [endurance] Altitude training & how it affects endurance horses
- [endurance] ALynch719@gnn.co
- [endurance] Animal Right Activists
- [endurance] Animal Rights
- [endurance] Animal Rights & OBendurance!
- [endurance] Animal Rights/Our AERC Ride
- [endurance] another horse for sale!
- [endurance] Another Mystery Lameness
- [endurance] Arab's have brains and heart!
- [endurance] Are these PETA people? No stereotyping, please!
- [endurance] Are these PETA people? No stereotyping, please! , (fwd)
- [endurance] Begining Trail/Endurance
- [endurance] Beginner, Help!
- [endurance] Benefit Ride
- [endurance] Beverly Gray
- [endurance] Biltmore
- [endurance] Biltmore 100 results sort of
- [endurance] Biltmore 30/50/100
- [endurance] Biltmore Ride
- [endurance] Biltmore Riders
- [endurance] Birthdays Needed!
- [endurance] blue mtn gallop 50 (LONG)
- [endurance] CamelBack
- [endurance] camelback water pack
- [endurance] Camp Far West
- [endurance] Camp Far West 50
- [endurance] Camp Far West 50 & Thanks!
- [endurance] Camp Far West Ride
- [endurance] Cancer is Conquered!
- [endurance] Carousel tights
- [endurance] Cash as a reject
- [endurance] Castle Rock ride?
- [endurance] Castle Rock/Big Creek Rides
- [endurance] change to digest format
- [endurance] Chatty posts etc.
- [endurance] Chinook Challenge
- [endurance] Chondroitin S...
- [endurance] Chondroitin Sulfates and MSM
- [endurance] Circles and Temper Tantrums
- [endurance] Cloud Stirrups
- [endurance] Cooling horses
- [endurance] cooling out
- [endurance] correction to the finishing order in CT foxfire ride of 05/04/96
- [endurance] Cribbers
- [endurance] Delivery Fail...
- [endurance] Diane@ Safe Haven
- [endurance] Digestion
- [endurance] do you ride before a ride?
- [endurance] Does anyone remember this horse (EAST)?
- [endurance] donations/leases
- [endurance] Dynamite phone #?
- [endurance] Easy Foam &
- [endurance] Easy Foam & (fwd)
- [endurance] Easy Foam & Boot Removal
- [endurance] Egyptian Arabians
- [endurance] Endurance RE: Anyone from Freemont, CA?
- [endurance] Endurance tack
- [endurance] endurance-digest V1 #429
- [endurance] Equestrian web sites of the world
- [endurance] Equithotic shoes
- [endurance] Equus article
- [endurance] Error Posting
- [endurance] Eventers vs Endurance
- [endurance] excercise and endurance horses
- [endurance] extras as preventative?
- [endurance] extras as preventatives
- [endurance] Farriers
- [endurance] fat and hormones?
- [endurance] Fat Feed
- [endurance] fat feeding
- [endurance] fat in diet - Lon Lewis update
- [endurance] Fat in Diet from Lon Lewis(very long!)
- [endurance] fat utilization and exercise
- [endurance] Feed/heart
- [endurance] feeding
- [endurance] feeding fat
- [endurance] Feeding morning of a ride?
- [endurance] Feeding morning of a ride?From: EnduroGal@aol.com
- [endurance] First Competitive Trail Ride of the season.
- [endurance] first ride & ...
- [endurance] first ride & sickle hocks
- [endurance] Fla Riders Going to ROC
- [endurance] Fla Riders Going to ROC - Query re alkaline soil
- [endurance] Follow up on Gaits
- [endurance] For Diane Nelson (sorry everyone else)
- [endurance] FW: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)
- [endurance] Fwd: Blue Mountain Gallop Ride Results
- [endurance] Fwd: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: endurance: h
- [endurance] Fwd: Virus Alert on Netscape
- [endurance] gelding for sale
- [endurance] Germany anyone?
- [endurance] Germany/Europe
- [endurance] Girths-Neoprene & Biothane
- [endurance] Going to rides
- [endurance] Good News about Lost Horse
- [endurance] Grand Island 100 (MI)
- [endurance] Great East Branch
- [endurance] Great East Branch Cancelled
- [endurance] Heart Monitor
- [endurance] Hello Again
- [endurance] Henry Creek rumors
- [endurance] Hi Sal!...I mean, 'USET Benefit a great success!'
- [endurance] High Fat Feed
- [endurance] High Respiration
- [endurance] hoof-flex substitute?
- [endurance] Horse and Rider Size
- [endurance] Horse choosing gaits (LONG)
- [endurance] Horse for lease for Tom Quilty 100 in Australia
- [endurance] horse for sale
- [endurance] Horse for sale (SW)
- [endurance] Horse is on pasture/feed question
- [endurance] Horse size
- [endurance] Horse Sizes
- [endurance] Horse/Rider Size
- [endurance] Horses for sale
- [endurance] Housework vrs Horses
- [endurance] how many do you do?
- [endurance] HRM for sale
- [endurance] HRM usage
- [endurance] HRM!!!!
- [endurance] Hunter's Bumps
- [endurance] I apologize - but I still say NO!
- [endurance] I apologize -...
- [endurance] Ice boot usage
- [endurance] If anybody who still cares...
- [endurance] In The Begining????
- [endurance] In the beginning...
- [endurance] Is this horse a good endurance prospect?
- [endurance] It's cloning....
- [endurance] ITS A BOY!!!
- [endurance] Its doing it again!!
- [endurance] Jigging
- [endurance] Jigging & Bits
- [endurance] JOHN HENRY is for sale.
- [endurance] july/aug of the ride calendar updated
- [endurance] June International News
- [endurance] Kasey
- [endurance] Kasey...Can You Spell "Neurotic"?
- [endurance] Keep Telling Your Stories
- [endurance] Kenlyn Ride
- [endurance] lame/ride tomorrow
- [endurance] lameness issue
- [endurance] Lari Shea's Mendocino coast experience
- [endurance] Leo Glass 25/Betty Glass 25 Results
- [endurance] Loin Rubbing
- [endurance] Lost mail
- [endurance] Louise Riedel/UMECRA
- [endurance] lowering head at trot /canter & stuff.....
- [endurance] lowering head...
- [endurance] Lyme Disease and Horses
- [endurance] maine 80 3-day ctr
- [endurance] Maintaining a gait
- [endurance] Maryland 30 Report (Long)
- [endurance] Mendocino 25 & 50 on June 8th
- [endurance] Mendocino, Oakland Hills?
- [endurance] MERA Classic Challenge results
- [endurance] MERA story
- [endurance] message contents
- [endurance] message for Joe Long
- [endurance] midwest riders
- [endurance] Missing horse found
- [endurance] More Bits
- [endurance] more stuff for sale
- [endurance] MSM, Adequan ...
- [endurance] MSM, Adequan IM, Chondroitin Sulfate
- [endurance] MSM, Chondroitin sulfate dilema
- [endurance] Mt Laguna Ride (SW)
- [endurance] mucus membranes
- [endurance] My *only* response to this...
- [endurance] My 1st 30 at Surrabu....
- [endurance] My horse still chooses gaits, thanks!
- [endurance] my open house, and Biltmore
- [endurance] my thoughts on the list (not TOO long?)
- [endurance] Mystery lameness
- [endurance] Nancy Spencer Workshop
- [endurance] nasty mail
- [endurance] need place to stay in denver area
- [endurance] Needles and Joints
- [endurance] new horse
- [endurance] New Ride in the Wine Country
- [endurance] New Ride-Tule Blues
- [endurance] new rider needs tips
- [endurance] New Saddle
- [endurance] New Saddle Available
- [endurance] New sport (aka Biltmore 1996)
- [endurance] New Sports Saddle For Sale
- [endurance] No more Animal Rights posts
- [endurance] No, not again a bad-luck year!
- [endurance] Northeast Ride options
- [endurance] note from equally mystified "Sal"
- [endurance] Note to 96 Tevis Cup Riders
- [endurance] number of rides
- [endurance] OD journey/need a place to stay
- [endurance] OD Rider needs place to stay 1/2 way between Atlanta and OD ride.
- [endurance] Off-line for the weekend...and beyond
- [endurance] Official Foxfire Ride Results
- [endurance] OH NO I sent digest back again!, and Rubber Shoes
- [endurance] Old horse
- [endurance] OMG--She's Pregnant
- [endurance] Opinions on Sharon Saare Saddles
- [endurance] Orlov/Arabs
- [endurance] Ortho-Flex Saddles
- [endurance] Orthoflex rubbing
- [endurance] Pads & foot protection
- [endurance] Panting and the heat
- [endurance] Partial list of results at the CT Foxfire ride 05/04/96
- [endurance] Paste wormer and exercise
- [endurance] Personal response
- [endurance] personal ride calendar section not working
- [endurance] Pins
- [endurance] Pins - Also still available in Europe!
- [endurance] Pleasant Surprise
- [endurance] Post ride trot out
- [endurance] premixed feed for pregnant mares
- [endurance] Presenting at the Trot-out (long)
- [endurance] Professional Sports Boots
- [endurance] Proscribing Content
- [endurance] purpose of this list
- [endurance] Quark
- [endurance] Race of Champions
- [endurance] rain gear
- [endurance] RE: parelli
- [endurance] RE: Easy foam
- [endurance] RE: Is this horse a good endurance prospect?
- [endurance] Re[4]: REMINDER!!! Benefit for USET Endurance / Update
- [endurance] Recording for NJ100
- [endurance] Reg. 6 NATRC ride results
- [endurance] REMINDER!!! Benefit for USET Endurance / Update
- [endurance] Replies to Lowering Head (LONG)
- [endurance] Report on Slypners
- [endurance] Resonant riding
- [endurance] Respiration & CS'S
- [endurance] ride & tie riders
- [endurance] Ride Numbers & AERc Benefits
- [endurance] Ride Stories
- [endurance] Ride Story
- [endurance] Ride STORY, Camp Far West, Calif
- [endurance] rider's weight.
- [endurance] Riding in shorts
- [endurance] Riding Tights - I tried Carousel!
- [endurance] Ripped clothes and skin=great ride!
- [endurance] Rocky Mt horses/rice bran
- [endurance] saddle 4 sale
- [endurance] Saddle Database
- [endurance] Saddle Fitting
- [endurance] saddles
- [endurance] Safe Haven Announcement
- [endurance] Sales through the mail
- [endurance] Screw on horseshoes
- [endurance] Sharon Saare clinic (EAST)
- [endurance] Sheldon Mtn Ride
- [endurance] Shin Splints
- [endurance] shorter messages
- [endurance] Shorts
- [endurance] Simple trail rider
- [endurance] SIZE/WEIGHT,ETC.
- [endurance] Slow Posts
- [endurance] Slypner Shoes
- [endurance] SMB and sand
- [endurance] so how *do* you get a crew?
- [endurance] Solstice Saddle
- [endurance] soreness/a.r.
- [endurance] Sport Saddle
- [endurance] sports medicine boots
- [endurance] SR Enduro Saddle for sale
- [endurance] still for sale
- [endurance] stirrups
- [endurance] stuff for sale
- [endurance] Tack for Sale
- [endurance] Tack for Sale--Update
- [endurance] TB Riders/HMR
- [endurance] Thank you Stephanie
- [endurance] The Stirrup Santa Came....
- [endurance] things to add to your pomel bag
- [endurance] tick alert
- [endurance] Tick Season - HELP
- [endurance] tights/horse size
- [endurance] Timberon Ride 5 Days - 250 Miles
- [endurance] title your postings so people can pick & choose...
- [endurance] to join
- [endurance] To Karen @ Sullys Maze?
- [endurance] To:Teddy Lancaster re ROC
- [endurance] Top Ten Endruance Mare for Sale
- [endurance] topics
- [endurance] Tow Vehicle Questions
- [endurance] Trail Poll
- [endurance] Trailer and Camper For Sale
- [endurance] Tying up
- [endurance] Tying up/Regumate
- [endurance] Tying-up Questions *:(
- [endurance] UMECRA email address?
- [endurance] Update on Mystery lameness
- [endurance] Update on Washoe Ride
- [endurance] Updates to the ride calendar for May/June are done
- [endurance] US-European measures - Need help!
- [endurance] v-max heart monitors and the wires
- [endurance] vosal rubs
- [endurance] Wanted - Ortho-Flex saddles
- [endurance] wanted: used endurance saddle
- [endurance] warning: endurance question :->
- [endurance] Washoe report, first ride...
- [endurance] WASHOE RIDE RESULTS - 100 MILER
- [endurance] Washoe Ride Story - Long
- [endurance] Washoe Update
- [endurance] water drinking
- [endurance] What is abuse
- [endurance] What the vet said...<Very LONG>
- [endurance] When circles don't work....
- [endurance] Who's the boss, was My Horse Chooses the Gait
- [endurance] Why Should I Join AERC
- [endurance] Wintec sport for sale
- [endurance] WS Trail No Hands Bridge Update
- [endurance] YKYAERW... & ...
- [endurance] YKYAERW... & How to Remove #'s???
- [endurance] You are an endurance rider when:
- [endurance] you folks are amazing
- [endurance] You know you are an endurance rider when...
- [endurance] you know you're an endurance rider
- [endurance] you know you're an endurance rider when
- [endurance] You know you're an endurance rider when...
- [endurance] You know you're an endurance rider when....
- [endurance] You know your an endurance rider when...
- [endurance]Saddle Up for St. Jude!
- aerc calender
- Allowing a horse to choose his own gait
- Allowing a horse to choose his own gait - NO!
- Animal Rights
- Animal Rights Activists
- Biltmore
- Breaking Arabs
- Camp Far West Ride
- endurance digest
- endurance-digest V1 #427
- endurance-digest V1 #457
- endurance-digest V1 #466 - Wormers & Exercise
- endurance-digest V1 #468
- eventers vs. endurance
- horse and rider size
- horse w/sickle hocks
- hunters bump & jigging
- I love the stories too!
- Is this horse o good endurance prospect?]
- Kiwanis Ride / West Region 25/50
- lead changes
- lowered head
- New Sports Saddle Sold
- Orthoflex Saddles
- Pat Parelli
- RE: [endurance] endurance saddles
- RE: [endurance] Feeding morning of a ride?
- RE: [endurance] hoof-flex substitute?
- RE: [endurance] Hunter's bump and jigging
- RE: [endurance] Is this horse a good endurance prospect?
- RE: [endurance] Jigging
- RE: [endurance] Rocky Mt horses/rice bran
- Re[4]: [endurance] you folks are amazing
- ride calendar
- Ride list
- Searching the Endurance@moscow.com archives (re Adequan)
- sizes
- sizes/teams
- Solstice Saddle
- Subscribing & Unsubscribing
- Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- tying up
- UMECRA email address?
- you know you're and endurance rider when
Last message date: Fri 31 May 1996 - 00:00:-12931 PDT
Archived on: Mon Sep 16 1996 - 17:45:31 PDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.