ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Animal Right Activists

Re: [endurance] Animal Right Activists

karen clanin (kclanin@fix.net)
Wed, 29 May 1996 21:02:45 -0700 (PDT)

I agree that this is a subject for all animal lovers, regardless of species.
Last year at a
circuit of Arizona dog shows animal rights activists were letting dogs out
of their crates
and exercise pens -- turning them loose. Several were killed on the
highway. The next
day exhibitors had locks on their crates, the ARA's had an area set up with
a sign: since
we can not set your dogs free we will put anitifreeze in their water to
liberate them
through death.

Can you imagine what these people could do at an endurance ride -- turning
horses loose
or putting something into the water buckets or troughs? On the whole
people at rides are
very trusting -- leaving horses unattended, horses in camp while out on the
ride, etc. You
*can not* educate these people, they *do not* want to be educated -- the
best protection
is to never let them learn about endurance, period. One ride we attended
last year had a
human standing at EVERY water source on the trail -- we never thought at
that time to
ask if there had been a threat of a problem but that's what it seems it
could have been.

Please take these people seriously, they do not think humans should have
control of any
animal lives in any way, shape or form. If they believe they need to kill
them to *free*
them from bondage it seems that they will or try to do so.

Karen Clanin
Atascadero, CA