ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Animal Rights
[endurance] Animal Rights
robyn burgess (rburgess@slonet.org)
Thu, 30 May 1996 23:54:31 -0700 (PDT)
I believe that the post by Karen Clanin was intended to WARN people about
the Animal Rights Activist who would "want to do harm" to "YOUR" horse. She
stated these people threatened to kill the dogs (antifreeze in their water)
just because they were "owned" by someone. It was in no way intended to
describe "who" an Animal Rights Activist is or "what" constitutes animal
abuse. Just a warning to beware, for yourself and your horse.
Some may feel this has nothing to do with endurance, but alittle "knowing
ahead of time" that this could happen is a lot better than a "regret of not
knowing" it could ever happen. Please beware - for your horse's sake!
Robyn "Karen's Kid" Burgess
and my best 4-legged friend Tauseyn of Pico
Atascadero, CA