Since I got so many people asking about Melaleuca, I hope no
one minds if I post a general response to the whole list. As every
one has probably noticed by now my post can get long and I'm
sure that this one will be no exception. But if you are interested in
learning about some natural products for you and your horse that
are reasonablably priced (I would say down right cheap) and work
wonderfully, read on. ( I promise to try and make it interesting)
The essential oil of tea tree is extracted by steam distillation of the
leaves of the tree grown in Australia. The fragrance is spicy, strong,
and fresh. Tea tree essential oil has strong antiviral and antibacterial
properties and has been used to treat a wide variety of infections,
including yeast infections.
This oil works better then any antibiotics and I have personal
experience to prove it. This last summer I got very sick. At
first I was just tired all the time, them last fall I started to get
headaches and by winter I could hardly get off the couch and
had headaches so bad I couldn't sleep at nights. I finally went
to the doctor, (I hate going to doctors they are soooo expensive,)
and the doctor told me I had two different type of infections. One
infection was bacterial and was in my throat and the other infection
was Candida albicans or yeast infection that had spread all the way
through my body. Well when Candida albecans spreads through the
body it attacks all of the organs and is evetually fatal. So I was treated
with anti-yeast medication (very, very expensive) and had to have
surgery to remove the infection in my throat it was so bad.
In the meantime I had a friend who was trying to get me to try
Melaleuca oil for my infections, she even sent me a bottle. But
I trusted the doctors and didn't use the oil. So I did what the
doctors said and after putting alot of money into surgery and
antibotics I felt better for a little while and then would get both
infections back! This cycle happened several times.
Meanwhile our house cat got pneumonia, and after a week of
penecillian shots the cat was worse and was close to death.
The vet said between the penecillian and the eye wash,( the
cats eyes were infected) their was nothing more we could do.
The cat was breathing very hard and was so close to death
I could see it in his eyes. And then I remembered my friend
saying they use the oil on their calves when they get
pneumonia and that they have never lost a calf to pneumonia
since they started using the oil. Well, I thought, it certainly
couldn't hurt so I went to my medicene chest and got the oil
and put two drops in the cat's nose so he would breathe it into
his lungs. ( that's what they do with the calves.) I also cleaned
the cat's eyes with the oil. Beleive it or not, that same cat
was up that afternoon drinking water and eating his food.
This cat hadn't eating in days. And within three days he was
his old self.
Well I though if this Melaleuca oil could do this for my cat,
what could it do for me? To make a long story short I
started to use the Melaleuca products and I feel great!
I take the vitamins and minerals, drink the oil in their
tea and I take their proanthocyanidins which is an
superantioxidant. Both infections are cleared up and
the Melaleuca products are a lot cheaper then doctors
and drugs.
To make this story even more wonderful Melaleuca has
a whole line of products. They have Nutrition,Pharmaceutical,
Denti-care system, personal care, facial care, home cleaning
products, and pet care. All of their products contain the
Melaleuca oil and everything they have is 100% money back
guaranteed. They believe that strongly in their products.
Several of you have been talking about
getting round worms from horses and that you wash your
hands. But have you considered what you are washing
your hands with? Just think how much better and safer it
would be to wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap
containing Melaleuca oil that kills bacteria on contact.
You can use these products to clean your house and your food.
The cleaning products actually cleans the chemicals off of the
food you buy from the supermarket and you can use it to keep
the insects off of your plants in your garden. All of their cleaning
products are chemical free, all natural and are cheaper to buy
then the products on the shelves in the stores. To give you an
example they have a product called Tough-n-Tender, (tough
on dirt but tender on your hands) and this product is so concentrated
that you would have to buy 96 quarts of 409 to equal one quart
of Tough-N-Tender!!
Products are all natural and I would love to continue on and
tell you alot more but this is getting long enough.
If anyone is interested in an information packet with catalog
and info on how to use the products for your horses just e-mail
me your snail mail address and I will get a info packet out to
you on how you can get the products and start using the products
today! Or you can call me at 701-784-5881.
Lynette Helgeson
( Stop poisoning your family and animals with dangerous chemicals when nature
provides us with essential oils such as Melaleuca Alternifolia. We
can get from the earth exactly what we need without having to use
My address is:
Lynette Helgeson
8095 40th Ave. NW
Lansford, ND 58750-9662