What do color-blind people do on these rides?
When we vetted in we got all A's except a B for the back. The vet poked him
pretty hard so I couldn't tell if he was really sore or just ticklish. I was
disappointed at that point since I felt that we wouldn't qualify for BC for the
25 miler. Oh well.
Sat morning K.S. Swigart was kind enough to show me how to braid in a red tail
marker so that everyone was warned of a potentially kicking stallion. I chose
to put in a red "Dream Catcher" for good luck complete with beads and feathers.
The weather was warm and no wind, but promised to be a little on the hot side
later in the day. Our camping buddies, Janet Ruprecht and Paul Roach left with
us. (Janet's horse is Mirage's girlfriend. He was VERY happy)
The trail was mostly dirt roads a little hard in places, but sandy at the sides
and mostly flat. There were some rolling hills, but nothing too difficult.
I had forgotten my scarf so my camelback straps rubbed my neck raw by the first
couple of miles. For the next ten miles we trotted and cantered while I held my
shirt with my right hand up around my neck. (My muscles are REAL sore from it
I was desperate for that vet check to wrap something around my neck. Ended up
using gauze squares from my vet kit and a rag tied around my neck. Pink vet
wrap on the camelback straps.
Mirage's pulse was a little high at the check. I thought it was metabolic until
I looked at his eyes FOCUSED on his girlfriend who was clearly too far away for
his liking. Janet and Paul left about 10 minutes ahead of us. We were going to
mosey back to camp since we had done a pretty fast first half. Then I decided
it was going to be too hot. So we started cantering.
I also wanted to test the theory about a horse having an "efficient window" at
each gait. I noticed that if he really extended his trott, the heart monitor
was higher then if he just cantered.
So we kept cantering along and what did we find but a mare in season. Cool.
We hung together for a few miles because Mirage would stop and wait for her. I
decided we were leaving even if we had a horse vs human brawl right in front of
everyone. A couple of touches with the spur when he started to wait brought on
pinned ears and some snarling then he gave in and left her. (Sigh of relief)
We got back to camp in 3 hours and 25 minutes as the 7th finisher. His pulse
dropped immediately to criteria. So we went to clean up and wait for a vet.
Mirage had gotten all A's at the first vet check except for a B for gut sounds.
When we vetted out he received all A's. We were both happy. Mirage had Felina
in full view and I had a good score card.
I got quite a shock when someone told me we had the high score so far and there
were only five riders left out. I had given up on that the night before.
Before the ride, I had written to Patty Chase (the person I bought the saddle
from) telling her that it would be great to win BC just once.
Well we WON BC! That "dream catcher" in Mirage's tail paid off. Mirage
couldn't have cared less as long as I kept feeding him and he could stair
blissfully at Felina across from the way.
At this point, I'm not sure I will physically be able to handle a 50 ever again.
(We did the Pendleton 50 in Oct 95 which triggered a lot a physical side affects
for me )
It is great that there are rides that have BC for the 25ers who may never be
able to do a 50 due to horse or personal limitations.
Thank you ride managers. :-)
A BIG thank you to some cyber friends who came to volunteer at the ride.
Especially Lynne Glazer who had to pull at the last minute due to injury of her
horse. And any others I didn't mention because I didn't get a chance to meet
Hope to see some of you at Mt Laguna, Ca in two weeks.
I promise not to post a long story again if you all complain. I was just too
excited to contain myself. <g>
Alexandra and Mirage (dreaming of Felina)
Palm Springs, CA