On the blacktop he showed only a slight "heaviness" in the right
fore--left fore now looked normal. No heat or swelling in either leg.
At a slow trot, he eventually traveled sound.
After about 15-20 minutes he started to fuss, toss his head and generally
misbehave. Kevin got off because we weren't sure if he was just being
naughty (lay off a very fit horse and see what you've got!) or if
something was bothering him.
Back at the barn we did accupressure and sure enough, about where Kevin's
seatbones sit, I found a hard longish knot laying laterally alongside the
backbone. No significant heat. He fussed quite a bit while I held the
accupressure point, then loosened up under massage. We finished up with
a good rub with Mineral Ice. He seemed vastly more comfortable and cheerful.
It appears that the problem is definitely back-related. I do not believe
the new saddle is the right choice for him. Kevin is sending it back
(it's warped anyway so not a "keeper").
I'll give bute for a week to ease the muscle spasms and keep him moving
freely. At least he is observably happier.
And Kevin is breathing a big sigh of relief. This is something "Dr. Mom"
can deal with. But I'm calling Dr. Judith Shoemaker for a
chiro/accupuncture appt. ASAP.
Diane @ Safe Haven