ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] [AdminBLP7%Admin%DCPP@go50.comp.pge.com: Wanted Ad]
[endurance] [AdminBLP7%Admin%DCPP@go50.comp.pge.com: Wanted Ad]
Stephanie Teeter (step@fsr.com)
Mon, 13 May 1996 19:50:58 +0800
Return-Path: <AdminBLP7%Admin%DCPP@go50.comp.pge.com>
From: AdminBLP7%Admin%DCPP@go50.comp.pge.com
Date: Thu, 9 May 96 12:50:37 PDT
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: <step@fsr.com>
Subject: Wanted Ad
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 339
Hi Stephanie,
I really enjoy the Endurance Home Page. Thank you for putting it
together and maintaining it. I would like to place the following ad:
Wanted 3 Horse Trailer with fully self contained living quarters. Can
be either steel or aluminum in good shape. Email blp7@pge.com or
Thank you,
Beverly Poorman