The effects will last longer after each application as the nerve pathways
are freed up. These alternative therapies were designed as a wellness
program, i.e. methods to keep you healthy and functioning properly,
and as treatment options for symptomatic ills.
You can learn to apply many of the acupressure points yourself. Have
your vet show you one or two each time, observe the sequence carefully
and learn to understand the meridian system so that you can focus on
problem areas (the trick is to identify the "problem" of course).
I have learned that I am unusually sensitive to heat in the palm of my
hands and can detect blockages by running my hand just millimeters above
the skin surface. Joyce Harmon uses her own pulse to detect changes as
she "scans" an area.
This is an exciting field where we horse owners can truly participate in
the care of our horses in a non-invasive fashion.
Diane @ Safe Haven
Allentown, PA