ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Top Ten Endruance Mare for Sale
[endurance] Top Ten Endruance Mare for Sale
RANDY EILAND (103406.572@compuserve.com)
07 May 96 15:15:30 EDT
I have a 12 year old *El Moraduke daughter out of a crabbet mare that was 1991
AERC SW Region Junior Rider Champion, 1992 SW Region Reserve Champion Junior
Rider Champion, Pioneer Award 2nd Place Junior (1991). Has completed the New
Mexico Renegade Ride in 6th place overall and 1st Junior rider, completed
Crockett's tough Camino Real 100 with Junior Rider, has about 1450 miles total.
Has been in foal lately but is now ready to hit the trails again. Phenomenal
recoveries, will keep up with Top Ten, does not see monsters.
Randy Eiland 915-833-8940 or 533-8826 or e-mail