Hello All!
I can't thank you enough for helping me out with my project.
You rose to the occasion and gave me well over a hundred dates to
process. A couple of notes. I am posting this directly to the list
since almost everyone has requested the results.
This is basically the report I turned in, though it is
mainly oral, and I will not be presenting that until next Tuesday.
I wish I could show my visual aids. They are really just overhead
projection lenses, but the pictures I printed as borders and
backgrounds are very cute (a racehorse, a jet black jumper, chestnut
plough horse, Paso, running pinto, etc)
There are a few problems with this. Mainly, people who may
be horsey sometimes never have the opportunity to express themselves,
but there are countless numbers of other extraneous variables. This
is just a fun guide. I am hoping to, for a follow-up project next
year, gather more dates (like 500 or 600) so that I may have a better
look at the statistics.
As to the 'which month did you begin riding' question - I
threw it out. There were way too many discrepencies caused by
people either starting too long ago/too young of an age, or just not
sure. I also didn't know how to work in the many of us who were
*always* into horses! That's okay, though, (I hope none of you were
counting on that part...) because the working out of this info here
was enough to do! (I don't think I'll ever be able to forget how to
use the chi-square equation...)
Someone had mentioned figuring out our horses in the same
manner. I have received several people's horse's birthdays, and
saved them. Since I only have about twenty, though, it will not
be very accurate. The findings on that are here also, however I
will repost after I collect more horse B-Day. (I plan to go to my
stable, as well as the neighboring few and gather this info. If
anyone wants their's added - I check E-Mail daily:)
(Note; I'm not sure what figuring the horse's dates would
accomplish, seeing how they are all born in a relatively confined
part of the year (besides curious minds wanting to know:)
Basic Astrology~
Astrology the study of how events on earth correspond to the
positions and movements of astronomical bodies, particularly the sun,
moon, planets, and stars. Astrologers believe that the position of
astronomical bodies at the exact moment of a person's birth and the
subsequent movements of the bodies reflect that person's character
and, therefore, destiny...
Astrologers create charts called horoscopes, which map the
position of astronomical bodies at certain times, such as when a
person is born. A horoscope is illustrated by a circle, called the
ecliptic. The ecliptic is the plane on which the earth orbits around
the sun in a year. It is divided into twelve sections, called the
signs of the Zodiac, which include Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and
Pisces. Astrologers assign every planet (which in astrology includes
the sun and moon) with a particular sign, depending on where that
planet appears on the ecliptic at the time for which the horoscope
is cast.
The horoscope also is divided into twelve houses, which
make up the 24-hour period during which the earth rotates once on
its axis. Each house deals with certain areas of a person's life,
such as marriage, health, work, travel, and death. Astrologers make
predictions by interpreting the position of astronomical bodies
within the signs and houses of the horoscope.
Encarta '95
The Signs
Capricorn (the Goat) December 22 - January 20
Aquarius (the Water Carrier) January 21 - February 18
Pisces (the Fish) February 19-March 20
Aries (the Ram) March 21 - May 20
Taurus (the Bull) April 20 - May 20
Gemini (the Twins) May 21 - June 20
Cancer (the Crab) June 21 - July 22
Leo (the Lion) July 23 - August 22
Virgo (the Virgin) August 23 - September 22
Libra (the Scales) September 23 - October 22
Scorpio (the Scorpion) October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius (the Archer) November 22 - December 21
Results (first 100 replies)
(Percentages meaning that, supposedly, you are that much
more likely to be a horsey person)
Capricorn 6%
Aquarius 8%
Pisces 6%
Aries 5%
Taurus 12%
Gemini 10%
Cancer 12%
Leo 11%
Virgo 11%
Libra 6%
Scorpio 7%
Sagittarius 7%
Results (first 100 with extra entries.
I only needed 100, but the
response was overwhelming!
I think you all just wanted
to make me figure it out two
Capricorn 6.4%
Aquarius 8.3%
Pisces 7.3%
Aries 4.6%
Taurus 11.0%
Gemini 9.2%
Cancer 11.9%
Leo 11.9%
Virgo 11.0%
Libra 5.5%
Scorpio 7.3%
Sagittarius 6.4%
(there is a % discrepancy that adds
up to .8% cumulative of the results; caused by having to round up
or down due to repeating or excessively long .--- answers)
Horses' Results
Capricorn 0%
Aquarius 15%
Pisces 5%
Aries 25%
Taurus 25%
Gemini 25%
Cancer 0%
Leo 0%
Virgo 0%
Libra 0%
Scorpio 0%
Sagittarius 0%
(you can really tell there
weren't that many dates to
I'm sorry this was so long. (I probably should have sent
it in two messages? Well, it's a little late, now!) Anyway, I
hope you all enjoy this. I'm still planning on figuring out the
horses' and I'll see how many people are interested in that one
before I take up *more* space posting it.
Wanted to let everyone know that it's about 5:30 in the
morning here, and thank those who helped. (can you tell I'm an
insomniac and need something to occupy my time? :)
Thank you once more!
Kelley, Der-B, Teddy, & Nikit --;__
kelley@magicnet.net //\ ___/ /\(
724 Oak St )) ( )__)
Orlando, FL 32804 // |\
(407) 426-9795 |\ | \
426-7008 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
But what matters an eternity of damnation to
one who has found in a second an infinate joy?
Charles Baudelaire