Does anyone have a better memory???
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Karen --
I'm the rider from Houston who forgot to sign my name in my last e-mail.
Sorry! Anyway, I just finished reading Truman's note and I tend to think
that feeding four hours in advance may be a little too early. I've been
doing rides with my horse for eight years now, and I've always fed him grain
two hours prior to a race. He's never had a problem. I kind of agree with
that other gal who responded that she'd heard of a study indicating it was
fine to feed a horse an hour or so before the ride so that the energy from
that feeding would be available for the horse's use. I also feed my horse a
type of "porridge" (equal parts bran, corn chops, crimped oats with enough
water added to make almost soupy) at each vet check during hundreds -- along
with all the hay or grass he wants to eat -- and he's done fine so far!
Happy Trails!