ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: hunters bump & jigging

[endurance] Re: hunters bump & jigging

SELINA COBB (tcobb@sfsu.edu)
Tue, 7 May 1996 09:58:11 -0700 (PDT)

RE: Hunter's Bump - I bought Trav 2 years ago and he had a
pronounced"bump" and also a a pecurliar way of going; ie he vetted sound
but just didn't feel "right" especially going downhill. Dressage lessons
and work over poles on the ground resulted in a pronounced left rear
lameness. I spent a fortune on vets, chiropractors, massages,
acupuncture, etc. He's close to 100% right now although he still feels
rough on trail on one diagonal - although in the arena he goes equally
well on both diagonals. AND THE HUNTERS' BUMP is no longer visible. But
since he's put on a 100+ pounds in the last 18 months I don't know how
much of it is just disguished. Also since I used the shotgun approach of
therapy I don't know what is responsible for the improvement.

RE: jigging: I had a hot had-to-be-first-always horse a few years back
with whom I tried the circling routine; result-he got very good at doing
circles; in fact, he just went into "arena mode" when I started a circle
doing whatever I asked at whatever gait, then resumed jigging once I left
the circle. The only thing that stopped the jigging was letting him
choose the pace, which was often inappropriate. A number of other people
tried this technique with him figuring I was just inept with no better
success. My conclusion: this technique doesn't work with some horses.
Note: Zoom was a Forta grandson via Fortel (she was dam of 17 or 19
Polish race horses); does anyone think this jigging business is a genetic

Tina (& & Trav & KC & Arnie the Gold Ret) in Santa Rosa, CA)