Time seems to be shrinking these days. There are still 24 hours in a day,
but they are shorter hours. Everyone I talk to has projects stacked up and
things they just can't get around to doing. If you want to ride you will
simply have to "make time". Obviously, hours can't be created, so the key
must be Planned Neglect. Example: skip housework. Have you ever noticed the
number of active horsewomen who have messy houses? No offense intended,
instead...congratulations on time better spent. Most of these women have
well-groomed horses and odor-free barns, and probably a job or two.
A man who marries a horsewoman will have to have a 'right attitude'. He
should know how to cook and clean, operate a vacuum, washing machine, etc.
In return, he will not be expected to 'man' every shovel or push every manure
cart. Fair enough? With a little team work we'll all have time to enjoy
life and maybe even ride together.
Allen accepted from day one that I was not Betty Crocker and that the
horses would be fed before anyone else. He is a very neat and organized
person. We are the original Odd Couple. But, he has learned to negotiate my
clutter and clear a spot on the table large enough for his plate. He went
through a phase of bringing home new brooms, mops, and feather dusters. He
even bought me a dandy filing cabinet. He finally came to the realization
that the problem is not a lack of equipment. We need a wife.
Horses take up considerable time. They MUST be cared for, no matter what
is going on. But if someday, God forbid, we become rocking chair relics,
will we be reminiscing about our shiny kitchen floors, our uncluttered desks,
or those wonderful relaxing times we spent with our horses? Take a break!
Go riding! Darion