I've been on the list since about Nov '95. Don't know where that puts me
in terms of longevity. I honestly haven't seen that many posts from the
"pros" in that time frame. I receive many replies/inquiries, off-line, from
experienced riders whom I already know regarding saddle fit, etc (I seem
to have become "the saddle lady").
I fear that what you advocate will alienate the riders who really need an
outlet for their questions and really need several points of view. The
last volley re: speed vs gaits illustrates how statements can be
misinterpreted or twisted to someone's agenda. And that does not
preclude the same sequence of events happening if our so-called "pros"
were emailing back & forth regarding a similar topic.
And how do we define "pro"? Must the contributors be credentialed in
some fashion? And if truth be told, the "pros" will hesitate to assume
that label because once you do, you must also assume responsibility for
the "advice".
And are we to now categorize topics as:
1) of value to professional endurance riders
2) of value to professional CTR riders
3) of value to "top ten" riders only
4) of value to the veterinary community
5) of value to the animal science/nutrition community
6) of value to moderately experienced horsepeople
7) of value to novices
If the "pros" have lost interest, is it because the topics are not of
intrinsic interest to their "level"? Would they rather we have a forum
devoted solely to FEI level topics?
Exactly what do you have in mind?
Here's a scenario: rider says "My horse is going along at the
name-the-gait, nose on the ground, is this a problem?
Should the answers be constructed as:
a) the horse is lazy
b) the saddle does not fit
c) the rider is out of balance
d) the horse is stretching
e) the horse is colicking
Use your mouse & pick one, and only one, answer. No discussion. Just
choose the "right answer".
My discussion regarding way-og-going/collection elicited an extraordinary
number of positive responses, and fruitful interpretive interaction
(off-line again), from pros & novices alike. In no way could that
discussion have been relegated to 10 lines or less. Does someone wish to
take the responsibility to say THIS is a worthy topic, you may do more than 10
lines, or sorry this-is-chatty, no lines for you today?
I am not just waving my First Amendment Flag, this is an important topic,
one which has surfaced frequently in the last two weeks.
Should we consider having a separate list for people who wish to
celebrate the return of the written word, i.e. the story-tellers?
What about a separate list for novices: an "Ask Mr. or Ms. Professional
Horseperson" forum?
Readers?? What do you want?
Separate point: technology issue. I do not subscribe to the Digest
because I would have to scroll through everything to reach the one or two
items I'd really like to read. Instead, with Netscape (at home) or Spry
Mosaic (at work), I receive a listing, with an abbreviated title, from
which I may choose those items of interest. On the remainder I can do a
wholesale delete.
Question: can the list be partitioned into different groupings (say e.g.
stories, ride results, tack, hi-there-my-truck's red-I'll-look-for-you,
and so on)?
If you care to explore this issue further, please email me off-line.
Diane @ Safe Haven