ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] FW: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)

[endurance] FW: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)

Lori Reed (lcreed@intrnet.net)
Sat, 1 Jun 1996 03:23:11 +0100 ( )

>From: "Oliver L. Dunn Jr." <odunn@intrnet.net>
>To: "'District 186'" <dist186@intrnet.net>
>Cc: "'bhall@intrnet.net'" <bhall@intrnet.net>
>Subject: FW: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)
>Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 21:10:01 -0500
>X-UIDL: 833595353.000
>Sent: Thursday, May 30, 1996 6:49 PM
>To: Multiple recipients of list FLTEACH
>Subject: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)
>From: IN%"HSJOURN@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU" "High School Scholastic Journalism"
30-MAY-1996 11:01:30.89
>To: IN%"HSJOURN@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU" "Multiple recipients of list HSJOURN"
>Subj: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)
>Return-path: <owner-hsjourn@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU>
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> JONESP4@TEN-NASH.TEN.K12.TN.US; Thu, 30 May 1996 11:01:28 -0600 (CST)
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>Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 10:58:08 -0500
>From: Jack Dvorak <dvorakj@JOURNALISM.INDIANA.EDU>
>Subject: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)
>Sender: High School Scholastic Journalism <HSJOURN@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU>
>To: Multiple recipients of list HSJOURN <HSJOURN@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU>
>Reply-to: High School Scholastic Journalism <HSJOURN@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU>
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>Begin forwarded message:
>Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 10:25:27 -0500
>From: Rich Remsberg <rremsber>
>To: b_faculty, staff
>Subject: Internet Virus Alert (FWD)
>>>The FCC released a warning last Wednesday concerning a matter of
>>>importance to any regular user of the Internet. Apparently a new
>>>virus has been engineered by a user of AMERICA ON LINE that is
>>>unparalleled in its destructive capability. Other more well-known
>>>such as "Stoned", "Airwolf" and Michaelangelo" pale in comparison
>to the
>>>prospects of this newest creation by a warped mentality. What makes
>>>virus so terrifying, said the FCC, is the fact that no program
>needs to be
>>>exchanged for a new computer to be infected. It can be spread
>through the
>>>existing email systems of the Internet. Once a Computer is
>infected, one of
>>>several things can happen. If the computer contains a hard drive,
>>>will most likely be destroyed.
>>> If the program is not stopped, the computer's processor
>>>will be placed in an nth-complexity infinite binary loop -which can
>>>damage the processor if left running that way too long.
>Unfortunately, most
>>>novice computer users will not realize what is happening until it
>is far too
>>>late. Luckily, there is one sure means of detecting what is now
>known as the
>>>"Good Times" virus. It always travels to new computers the same way
>in a
>>>text email message with the
>>>subject line reading "Good Times". Avoiding infection is easy once
>the file
>>>has been received
>>>simply by NOT READING IT!
>>>The act of loading the file into the mail server's
>>>ASCII buffer causes the "Good Times" mainline program to initialize
>>>The program is highly intelligent- it will send copies of itself to
>>>whose email address is contained in a receive-mail file or a
>sent-mail file,
>>>if it can find one. It will then proceed to trash the computer it
>is running
>>>on. The bottom line there is - if you receive a file with the
>subject line
>>>"Good Times", delete it immediately! Do not read it" Rest assured
>>>whoever's name was on the "From" line was surely struck by the
>virus. Warn
>>>your friends and local system users of this newest threat to the
>>>It could save them a lot of time and money.
>>>Could you pass this along to your global mailing list as well?
>>>* Info from Premed@Premed.Edu *
>>>* Hunter PBPMA-Post Bacc Pre-Med Assoc. Hunter College CUNY,NY *
>>>* *
>>>* A Member student group of the MPMC-Manhattan Pre-Med Council *
>>>* MPMC Email-MPMC@Premed.edu Hpage http://premed.edu/mpmc.html *
>>>* SophieDavis CUNY Med - NYU - Columbia -StevensTech -YeshivaU *
>>>* CUNYs - CCNY - QueensC - BrooklynC - BaruchC - HunterC *
>>>* *
>>>* Address:PBPMA HC, 695 Park Ave, Rm HN313, NY,NY 10021-5085 *
>>>* HC PBPMA Email Premed@Premed.edu *
>>>* HC ScienceTimes Internet Homepage http://Premed.Edu *
>>>* HC PBPMA Events Phone (212) 843-3701 Ext 2800 *
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>>Eric Francis
>>Rhythm of Light Astrology
>>(914) 658-3707