I began with a shell on the truck, now have a simple camper, but at least I
stay warm and can stand up to change clothes. Would like to upgrade to a
self-contained camper but don't want to go longer than 8', as we already
pull a 4 horse rig with a crew cab, I don't need anything longer at the small
gas stations.
I am still riding in my western saddle. It fits me and both of my horses, so
I can't complain. There is a place to attach everything I want to take with
me. Speaking of which, On my first ride, I rode with full saddle bags! I
was unpreparred for the staff ond other crews that would actually help you
out there. I have since whittled it down to one of two bags, an cantle bag
with a place for 2 water bottles, or my pommel bag (insulated from State line
) or in the summer, I take both. Both of these weigh less than my full
saddle bags!!!
We all use narrow nylon breastcollars. They attach to the saddle (english or
western) and across the top of the neck. Really keeps it off the windpipe
and the saddle where it belongs. I bought mine at my second ride. It is
sized for the arab in mind!!!!! I like Nylon because it is so easy to care
for. Toss in to the washer ( frequently ) salt from sweat makes them stiff,
but won't rot out wetting the horse down at the vet checks etc. I don't have
time for high maintenance items of any kind. I also work outside the home
FULLTIME, and all the kids are into sports.
As to what I wear...Layers. Winter time...a silk undershirt. t-shirt,
flanel shirt, then a nylon vest will usually get me by on an actual ride. A
jacket can easily be worn, then tied to my wester saddle with the strings
that hang down to the hocks!!! (tee-hee to you english riders) I have gotten
into riding with nylon/lycra tights. I like the way the move on the western
saddle. I have a pair on order with a fully padded seat. If it really cold,
I add sweat pants.
I switched to the cheap riding sneakers ( $39/state line ) and love them.
Can't go back to my beloved boots for anything ever again. And my cheapies
have held up for a year now, and I forget and wash my horse in them all the
Well, there is one opinion for you. You will get LOTS of response to this
one. Have fun. I will probably modify my "wish list" with everyone's
response to you question.
Good luck and Happy trails
Becky Hackworth Jam and Gina
and assorted kids and critters
Alpine CA