A few have asked what replies I've gotten to Mystery lowering his
head. I'll try to sum up important points only:
1. Possible saddle fit trouble. I've had his saddle checked and
always check for soreness so I don't think this is it in Mystery's
2. Stretching muscles out. ...Since it occurs in beginning of rides,
good possibility this is it, I'll warm him up WELL before next ride.
3. Sniffing ground for other horses.
4. "...sounds like..stretching neck & rounding up his back. As long
as he is not becoming heavy on the forehand & stringing out too much
behind, theres nothing wrong with this....... If this action is too
annoying/becomes a problem, pick up contact w/reins & squeeze him on
w/legs while maintaining his same speed. This will ask him to collet
for you. You will feel more drive from teh rear, the forehand will
lighten, and his head will raise. Do not "pull" his head up w/the
reins."...(Linda Flemmer).......I'm going to try this next long ride,
esp the part of maintaining the speed because I may be teaching him
when he lowers his head I'll let him stop! It only takes him one time
to learn this stuff!
I got good advise and reassurances that most horses do this..I think we
are both just becoming more experienced and I will continue to observe.
The "funniest" was from Diane @ Safe Haven (I LOVE her advise &
"Dont worry about it! Your horse is only trying to find his balance.
Now if he steps on his tongue and falls down, get back to me!"
**thank you all for your excellent advise and responses***
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
Petaluma, CA