ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: [endurance] hoof-flex substitute?

RE: [endurance] hoof-flex substitute?

Tue, 21 May 1996 17:39:47 PDT

> From owner-endurance@mail-gw.fsr.net Tue May 21 16:26:04 1996
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> Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 13:56:34 +0300
> To: endurance@moscow.com
> From: jane@cs.uoregon.edu (jane m ritter)
> Subject: [endurance] hoof-flex substitute?
> Sender: owner-endurance@moscow.com
> Precedence: list
> Any clever ideas on an inexpensive substitute for Hoof-Flex (to keep the
> horses' hooves from drying and cracking as the ground gets dry)? A farrier
> I spoke with recommended using lard, but it seems to me that lard would
> attract flies. Any ideas would be welcome.

Yes, I know of some wonderful products that are inexpensive, natural, and they
work on nearly every external ailment and condition of horses. The product line
is called Melaleuca. For horses with dry cracked hoof walls and heels you
combine 1 teaspoonful Nature's Cleanse and 1 teaspoonful Natural Spa & Bath Oil
in a 16 ounce spray bottle filled with water. Spray the hoof walls and soles. It will
cost you about 71 cents to mix up this 16 ounce bottle and it works wonderfully.
It will not attrach flies, in fact it will repel them.

Melaleuca products can be used before breeding on your mare and stallion to cleanse
them, for cuts & abrasions, for fly control ( you can spray your horse and the stall
area to repel flies, imagine using a fly spray that is totally natural, no harsh chemicals,
and it is good for the horses skin.) It also gets rid of girth itch and othe fungicidal or pesticidal skin irritations. You can use their products for soreness on mouth corners
( it is soothing and it heals), for cuts, scapes, burns, foot rot, ringworm, sunburned or chafed udders, and thrush. And their anti-bacterial liquid soap works great on
cleaning your tack!

All of their products are quaility products at a reasonable price. They have a whole
line of products for human and animal use. I love the products.

If anyone wants to know more about how to get these great products delivered to
their door, you can e-mail me at: helgeson@lansford.ndak.net ro give me a call
at 701-784-5881

Lynette Helgeson