May I make another comment? Kids will be kids and they like " stuff" One
ride gave all junior completion riders a small bucket of "stuff" It might
have cost a total of $15 to ride management, and they only charged 1/2 price
to junior riders. This helps out the old pocketbook, and gave an extra
charge to the kids. ANYTHING extra for the kids is a kick for them.. I
would also like to comment about icky completion awards. We once rec'd a
plastic folder with ride name on it. The kind you can keep a few papers in.
It was ok for the adults, but the kids were visibly upset.
Granted completion awards for the junior riders will cost a little extra, but
the delight in their eyes is worth it. Keeps them coming back for more, and
isn't that what it's all about. Also, I haven't been to a ride with more than
a 1/2 dozen juniors- compared with 100 or so adult riders.
It is hard enough riding as a junior- having to go slow enough so your Mom
can finish with in the 1 min time frame. Heather preferrs to canter / walk /
canter / walk to my trot/ trot /trot. She gets a side ache, Babe also
prefers Heather's pace selection. All A's and B's.
Well enough of my soapbox for today.
Becky Hackworth Jam and Gina
and assorted kids and critters
Alpine CA