>>>>> "T" == T Smith <> writes:
> Dear Steph Teeter:
> Saw the article in the May/June issue of TrailBlazer on places
> to go on the internet.
> My husband & I INVESTED in Orthoflex saddles (2 yrs. ago) & have
> had problems. Orthoflex has made their name/reputation on how
> good these saddles are for the horses back. Well, we have tried
> to inform them of problems we have experienced & they are giving
> us the cold shoulder. It's not like we've asked for our money
> back (too late anyway) & that makes me angry. They don't seem
> to want input from someone who is having a problem.
> We are not endurance riders, all we do is trail ride. We travel
> alot & probably ride an average of 10 hrs/week, unless we're on
> a trip during which we ride 3-5 hrs./day consistently for up to
> 4-7 days a week. We do alot of riding, which is WHY we bought
> Orthoflex & PAID SO DEARLY for their name.
> Have you heard of anyone else w/problems w/Orthoflex? I would
> be interested to know. Surely we can't be the only ones.
> Thank you very much.
> Trish Smith Gallatin, TN