The trail was beautiful and hard! Excellent footing, but miles of up
and up and down and down and lots of windy foot trails that were
too tough to do anything but walk. Management did a tremendous job -
camp was well run, trails well marked - everything went very smoothly.
Wildflowers and glacial peaks. Beautiful.
But the trail was really hard and took a pretty high toll. Of the 10
riders starting the 100, 3 completed:
Dennis Summers and Tony Bologny finished first and received BC. I
believe their winning time was about 16 1/2 hours.
Rick Brand and Aesir, and Carol Andrews and CMR Myza finished 2nd and
3rd - about 45 minutes behind Dennis and Tony.
There were around 8 pulls on the 50 (30 starters) several were overtime.
I don't have the 50's results, but the winning time was around 7 hrs.
I did a slow 50 with my new Orlov/Arab, Quicksilver - what an amazing
horse! We rode alone all day, she was brave and forward and we *flew*
the last 6 miles into camp. I couldn't keep up with her trot when we
showed for completion. I am truly impressed with this breed.