Then you start to notice all of the little faults, some annoying, some
trivial, some just cosmetic, oh well. You keep them anyway, and compete
with them in any way that is safe and protective for them...thus my only
argument with NATRC...thank goodness they don't make illegal the braces I
wear !!! Back on really bad days, elbow brace on a good day, helmet ( as
someone else pointed out ) Why not mark off heavily for youngsters needing
corrective stuff, and give more for those over 10 or 15 years, hey we are
still going strong (me and the horse) So what if I need a little extra
support. It isn't DRUGS .
So anyway, I am not sure if I am talking about Husbands or horses, but I
treat them all the same...keep them around and love them the way they are
I also think your husband has the right idea, looking for the next horse when
the time comes with the eyes instead of the heart...
Happy trails
Becky Hackworth Jam and Gina
and assorted kids and critters.