ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] purpose of this list

[endurance] purpose of this list

Leslie Murgatroyd (murgnme@pacific.net)
Thu, 16 May 1996 21:28:23 +8

Hey folks!

When I first joined this list, there were only about 40 other folks
on it. Boy has THAT changed!! I'd like to remind everybody of the
purpose of this list:

> the mailing list for endurance and distance riding.
> Endurance, a forum for those involved in distance riding to discuss pertinent
> topics, announce rides and results, ask questions, exchange ideas and
> experiences. Current subscribers include riders, ride managers, veterinarians,
> breeders and trainers, and equipment vendors.

This came from my "welcome" message.

Let's all try to go back to that. This is beginning to sound like
rec.equestrian!! There is no need for "flames". If you can't offer
positive criticism...then don't offer it at all. I think most of us
are here to learn from each other. That CAN be done!! There are not
always cold, hard facts. Sometimes, it's personal interpretation. I
really enjoy reading the different discussions! I do not enjoy reading
other folks' arguments!!! We are all different, just like our horses are
all different. Let's keep that in mind!

A couple of "pet peeves"...

If you have a personal reply...please send it to that person, and not
the entire list. Each day, I receive messages that really should
have gone to an individual, and not the whole group. If you really
think that EVERYONE would benefit from your reply, by all means, post
it to the group!!!

I believe there is a list of all the members addresses on the

So, whadayasay??


Time is the relationship between rides!!

Leslie Murgatroyd
Kelseyville, CA