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Sun Sep 07 18:31:00 GMT 2008
[RC] florida
susan graham
[RC] PNER Convention Location
Ed Roley
Re: [RC] PNER Convention Location
Mary and Clarence Nunn
[RC] Stubborn Horse - Thanks
[RC] Regional Conventions
[RC] ride t-shirts
Mike & Kathy Kelly
[RC] Gator Run - Cure for cabin fever
[RC] re: Daughters head injury on horse
Carrie Stewart
[RC] Fw: Easy boots site
Maggie Mieske
[RC] [Guest] Tammen
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Deanna German
Re: [RC] [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Bob & Amber Roberts
[RC] saddle shopping
David & Maggie
[RC] [RC] death valley pics?
Re: [RC] [RC] thanks for all the undies advice.
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] Need english saddle pad advice
Laurie Durgin
[RC] 2003 Pan American Championship - nomination info
Steph Teeter
[RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Laurie Durgin
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
David & Maggie
Re: [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
David & Maggie
Re: [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Karen J. Zelinsky
Re: [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Bonnie Davis
Re: [RC] Daughters head injury on horse
Maureen A. Fager
[RC] stirrups
Karla Watson
[RC] endurance equitation (was dressage saddles)
[RC] [Guest] bloody nose
Ridecamp Guest
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [Guest] bloody nose
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Need english saddle pad advice
Suzanne M. Boyd
Re: [RC] Need english saddle pad advice
Susan Bothern
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [RC] Need english saddle pad advice
Snodgrass, Bonnie
Re: [RC] Need english saddle pad advice
[RC] trot out for stubborn horses
Andrea Day
[RC] Texas Grasslands FEI 100, -March 1st
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Bonnie Davis
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Bonnie Davis
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor showinvolving Horse ...
Lynn Kinsky
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse ...
[RC] Don't open e mail from me with attachments
[RC] Fw: Please contact NBC over next Fear Factor show involving Horse Consumption - Not a hoax
Bonnie Davis
[RC] Training Tips for Stifle
Val Nicoson
[RC] socks
Rides 2 Far
[RC] Dawn In East Texas
Stewart, Carrie
[RC] Angel Ridge Ranch
Steph Teeter
[RC] thanks for all the undies advice.
[RC] Advice on possible breathing problems?
Sarah W
[RC] Patty Chase?
[RC] take repair or saddle maker in Auburn?
Kathie Ford
[RC] exercise
Kathie Ford
[RC] yet another colic...
Re: [RC] yet another colic...
Susan Bothern
Re: [RC] Teaching the Trot-out to a STUBBORN Horse
Dana B.
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Re: [RC] Teaching the Trot-out to a STUBBORN Horse
Mary Sutliff
Re: [RC] [RC] Dressage Saddles and Endurance
Desiree Simons
[RC] Horse Hauling
Lynne Tomovick
[RC] riding shoes
Larry Miller
[RC] Dressage Saddles and Endurance
[RC] re: trot-out for STUBBORN horses
Teresa Van Hove
[RC] death valley pics?
Re: [RC] LOR
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Estimating Speed
[RC] Teaching the Trot-out to a STUBBORN Horse (long)
AW: [RC] Teaching the Trot-out to a STUBBORN Horse (long)
Hilga Höfkens
Re: [RC] Teaching the Trot-out to a STUBBORN Horse (long)
[RC] older
Larry Miller
[RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Lysane Cree
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Lysane Cree
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Maureen A. Fager
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
David & Maggie
[RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Renie Burnett
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance
Re: {SPAMFILTER} [RC] Leg confirmation and Heart - Long and SlightlyHumorous (how to pick a horse by heart)
Re: {SPAMFILTER} [RC] Leg confirmation and Heart - Long and Slightly Humorous (how to pick a horse by heart)
Heidi Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: {SPAMFILTER} [RC] Leg confirmation and Heart - Long and SlightlyHumorous (how to pick a horse by heart)
Re: [RC] [RC] Health&fitness consensus
Re: {SPAMFILTER} [RC] Leg confirmation and Heart - Long and Slightly Humorous (how to pick a horse by heart)
[RC] Define Good Back Conformation
Re: [RC] Define Good Back Conformation
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Define Good Back Conformation
Heidi Smith
[RC] Riding Sneakers Help Needed!
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Riding Sneakers Help Needed!
Mary Sutliff
Re: [RC] Riding Sneakers Help Needed!
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Riding Sneakers Help Needed!
Re: [RC] Riding Sneakers Help Needed!
Tiffany D'Virgilio
[RC] Dressage Saddles & Training
Zephyr Arabians
[RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding (and Dressage Training)
Re: [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding (and Dressage Training)
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding (and Dressage Training)
Zephyr Arabians
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding (and Dressage Training)
[RC] directions to Warner Springs?
[RC] idols
Larry Miller
[RC] Ridecampers - here I come!
Karen J. Zelinsky
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Flora Hillman
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Maureen A. Fager
Re: [RC] [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Lori Chandler
[RC] Health&fitness consensus
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Health&fitness consensus
Bonnie Davis
RE: [RC] Health&fitness consensus
Bob Morris
Re: [RC] Health&fitness consensus
Barbara McCrary
Re: [RC] Health&fitness consensus
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] some LD and quit picking on howard
Lori Bertolucci
[RC] Master Saddler
Re: [RC] Death Valley Photos and regrets
[RC] Anyone has some good pictures fro April 2002 Hog Wild?
Michael Maul
[RC] [Guest] My weight loss program
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Congrats to Judy and Warpaint at Death Valley
nick warhol
[RC] Convention
[RC] Julie Suhr's book
Deanna German
Re: [RC] Julie Suhr's book
Karla Watson
Re: [RC] Julie Suhr's book
sharp penny
Re: [RC] Julie Suhr's book
Susan Young Casey
Re: [RC] Julie Suhr's book
heidi sowards
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] Julie Suhr's book
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Julie Suhr's book
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] Julie Suhr's book
[RC] January Endurance News cover online
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] January Endurance News cover online
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Death Valley Photos
Re: [RC] Desoto Saddles
Maureen A. Fager
[RC] boarding near Kalamazoo Michigan
Jessica Spoone
Re: [RC] boarding near Kalamazoo Michigan
Maggie Mieske
[RC] layovers NY to FL
Laura Hayes
RE: [RC] [Guest] "hired gun"
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Subject: Re: [RC]?? [RC] health & fitness
[RC] Happy New Year!
Steph Teeter
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Happy New Year!
[RC] winter training rides
Michelle Fink
[RC] [Guest] Desoto Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] [Guest] Desoto Saddles
Maggie Mieske
<Possible follow-ups>
[RC] [Guest] Desoto Saddles
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Correction on the URL for point standings
Michael Maul
[RC] "Final" 2002 point standings online
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Bonnie Davis
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Robin Everett
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Bonnie Davis
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Zephyr Arabians
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Zephyr Arabians
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] health & fitness
Laurie Durgin
RE: [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Bonnie Davis
Re: [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
David & Maggie
Re: [RC] [RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Bonnie Davis
Re: [RC] missing ridecampers/Scott & Ginger
[RC] Probat Daughter
[RC] Endurance & +/ ??
Rides 2 Far
[RC] health & fitness
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] health & fitness
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] health & fitness
Bonnie Davis
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] health & fitness
Maureen A. Fager
Re: [RC] health & fitness
Bob & Amber Roberts
[RC] New features in the online ride records for history
Michael Maul
[RC] Ft. Valley Endurance Ride (NE) - Saturday's photos are on-line!
Flora Hillman
[RC] Ice Studs for Old Macs
Jennifer Judkins
[RC] +/ ??
julie fox
Re: [RC] +/ ??
Zephyr Arabians
[RC] Equine Performance Products
Steph Teeter
Re: [RC] [RC] % of Hay vs % of Grain
Angie Orr
[RC] % of Hay vs % of Grain
Angie Orr
Re: [RC] % of Hay vs % of Grain
Heidi Smith
[RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance - How to Pick
[RC] [Guest] Trailer ride from Auburn, CA to Deming, NM
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] [Guest] Considering relocation to Trout Lake area
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] [Guest] pads
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] [Guest] gastroguard- alternatives-cost solutions
Ridecamp Guest
[RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Rides 2 Far
Re: [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Barbara McCrary
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
[RC] Dressage saddles for endurance riding
Re: [RC] Dressage saddles for endurance riding
Heidi Smith
[RC] Online results of the Silver State Pioneer ride
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] [RC] Upper MW LD BC
Angie Orr
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] [RC] Upper MW LD BC
Angie Orr
Re: [RC] [RC] Upper MW LD BC
Maggie Mieske
[RC] Upper MW LD BC
Angie Orr
Re: [RC] Upper MW LD BC
Maggie Mieske
Re: [RC] Upper MW LD BC
Ed and Wendy Hauser
Re: [RC] [Guest] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Lori Chandler
Re: [RC] [Guest] Dressage Saddles for Endurance Riding
Heidi Smith
[RC] Predicted snow this weekend... & a road trip
Sarah W
[RC] LD BC in the NW
Dot Wiggins
[RC] Statistics on AERC BC in LD rides
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] Statistics on AERC BC in LD rides
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Statistics on AERC BC in LD rides
Michael Maul
Re: [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
Re: [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
Karen Williams
Re: [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
Re: [RC] [RC] Undies Question...... (what kinds best to ride in)
Laurie Durgin
[RC] Rascal and the Hackamore
Laurie Durgin
Re: [RC] Cornucresine Ointment
Steven Proe
Re: [RC] [RC] Weight Divisions
Nancy Mitts
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